the Word of God. We do love the Bible lessons and Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. We wait anxiously for the next issue. Ethel M. Davis, Modesto, California MAGAZINES IN LIBRARY We thank you for your magazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS, which comes to us regularly. We place this magazine in our library and the students are greatly bene fited by reading your publication. Dr. Paul Gupta, Hindustan Bible Institute, South India. DOCUM EN TA TION RESPONSE In response to your request for docu mentation concerning the true state of Christianity in the Soviet Union (Septem ber KING’S BUSINESS, page 5), I am sending you a subscription to the Chris tian Beacon, Collingswood, New Jersey. Editor Dr. Mclntire is very careful in documenting his statements. He reproduces by photostat the major articles in full that he quotes from, analyses, or criticizes. Although I do not usually agree with his position on racial issues, his documenta tion is extremely accurate. D. David Smith, Minneapolis, Minnesota. KB IN PEN ITENTIARY A copy of your fine magazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS, occasionally gets into my hands. Because of the shortage of such magazines here, I am wondering if you would put us on your mailing list for ten copies each month. I will see that they are put to good use. We do not have a regular Chaplain for the prison, but the officials are letting me do what I can in that capacity until we have a full-time man. Christian literature is one of the best ways to reach men in prison. When directed by the printed word, in the pri vacy of their cells, men can do some series thinking. J. L. Dugger, Acting Chaplain, Nevada State Peni tentiary, Carson City, Nevada. E d itor ’ s N o t e : We believe readers would want us to send the ten copies to Mr. Dug ger. Ordinarily we have money in our Free Fund to handle such requests; how ever, it is now depleted. Won’t you help our Free Fund now so that the min istry of the printed page might increase? Perhaps you would like to help in this specific request. Send your donations to the Free Fund, c/o The King’s Business Magazine. KB HELPS PREPARE LESSONS I would like to request a sample copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS. More than that, if you have any special provision for missionary subscriptions, I would be most happy to receive it regularly. One reason why I would like it is that I pre pare Sunday school lessons in Spanish, amounting to 26 typewritten pages a quar ter. I particularly need the illustrations, and I have noticed frequent illustrations from THE KING’S BUSINESS in books of illustrations. Rev. Edward G. Wyman, Corozal, British Honduras. E ditoi (’ s N o t e : Here is another request which we can only care for through our Free Fund.
In hearing on a gospel broadcast how others had come to know Christ, I re membered that it was the KING’S BUSI NESS we had sent to Dad as a gift that caused him to believe in personal salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He died a year ago and my husband went to his funeral in the Midwest. Upon talking to his Catholic mother and family he found that his Dad had been “different” lately! And when he found the old copies of the KING’S BUSINESS, they were under scored here and there. I know now it was the Holy Spirit who urged us to send him the magazine and to write him about his soul. Mrs. Norma Loucks EXPRESSIONS OF APPRECIATION I just thought I would write and let you know that I have just finished read ing several copies of your wonderful mag azine, the KING’S BUSINESS, and I would like you to know I think it is one of the finest Christian magazines my wife and I have ever read. I thank God that in the days we live today there are still a few Christ-centered magazines like yours. Robert N. Russau, Portland, Oregon I believe that you have the most instruc tive, interesting, and practical Christian magazine that I have as yet seen. In particular, I like your articles on current subjects (such as the tongues movement) and the regulars. May the Lord continue to use you reachly in the propagation of His Word! Walter B. Huckaby, Honolulu, Hawaii. If some of the literature found in the homes today was replaced by your maga zine, Christ’s knock upon the door would be more readily heard. F. A. Harvey, San Antonio, Texas. The feature story on the origin and activities of MEDA,( Mennonite Econom ic Development Asociation, (August, 1963) is very good and I wish to commend you upon your presentation which is most in teresting as well as accurate and infor mative. We appreciate your interest in our Christian endeavor. E. J. Peters, Chairman of MEDA. The KING’S BUSINESS is to be com mended for the sound, Scriptural stand taken on the current upsurge of “tongues.” May God continue to bless the ministry of your magazine. Mary Lyons, West New York, New Jersey BLESSINGS RECEIVED My husband and I have received great blessings from the work of the dedicated men of God. Since receiving THE KING’S BUSINESS we understand much better
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