King's Business - 1963-12

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Œi j e # i f t S u p r e m e THE SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE The mest widely known Reference Bible in die English language— available in two SIZES. Edited by the Rev. C. I. Scofield, D.D., assisted by eminent Bible scholars. Contains the Authorized King James Version, with a new system of connected topical references to all the greater themes of Scripture, with annotations, revised marginal renderings, summaries, definitions, and index. In addition, there are helps at difficult places, explanations of seeming discrepancies, a new system of paragraphs, a panoramic view of the Bible, chronology, and colored maps with indexed atlas. SMALL, HANDY SIZE 4 3 / 4 x 7 1/16"— Minion Type LARGE STUDY SIZE 5 1/2 x 8 1 /8"— Brevier Type


17 For God sent not his Son into the ¿world to ^condemn the world; but that the world through him might be “saved. 18 ¿He that believeth on him is

this 30 decri D eci

17 For God sent not his Son into the “world to ^condemn the world; but that the world through him might be “saved. 18 ¿He that believeth on him isi not condemned: but he that believ-|

a kosmos .(Mt.4.8) - mankind. b Or,judge,

a ko sm o s (Mt.4.8) = mankind. b Or, ju d g e ,


and so in vs. 18.19: cf.

Size, 5^4 x SV q " Speciman of Brevier Type

Size, 4% x 7%e" Speciman of Minion Type

No. 179x

REFERENCE ED IT IONS 5 1 / 8 x 1 1 / 2 x 1 1/4 "— with maps

REFERENCE ED IT IONS 4 3/4 x 7 1/6 x 1 1/4"— with maps


Price 80 Cloth, square corners, red edges. Dust jacket................ 4.50 72 Moroccoette, limp, round corners, red under gold edges......................................................................................................... 9.00 IND IA PAPER EDITION Only 3 /4 " thick 83x French Morocco, half circuit, round corners, red under gold edges............................................................................. 15.50 CONCORDANCE ED IT IONS 5 1 / 2 x 8 1/2 x 1 1/2"— with maps 180 Cloth, square corners, red edges. Dust jacket.............. 5.50 172 Moroccoette, limp, round corners, red under gold edges..........................................................................................................10.00 IND IA PAPER EDITIONS 183x French Morocco, half circuit, round corners, red under gold edges. For Family Record specify FR........ 16.50 178x French Morocco, limp, leather lined, round corners, gold edges, ornamental gold roll. Family Record. BLACK or RED................................................................................... 20.00 179x Natural Morocco, half circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. BLACK, BLUE or RED..................................................................................................... 22.00 187x Morocco, hand grained, half circuit, leather lined, round corners. BLACK, red under gold edges. BLUE, BROWN, GREEN, MAROON, RED, gold edges.................................. 26.50 188x Genuine Pin Seal, half circuit, leath lined, round corners, red under gold edges. Gold fillet..................... 35.00 288x Genuine bold grain Sealskin, half circuit, leather lined, gold roll, round corners, gold edges..................... 32.50 CYCLOPEDIC CONCORDANCE EDITIONS 490 Buckram, square comers, red edges, dust jacket........ 7.00 478x French Morrocco, limp, leather lined, round cor­ ners, gold edges................................................................................21.00 499x Natural Grain Morocco, half circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges.................-— 25.00 WIDE MARGIN EDITION Size, 6 3/8 x 9 x 1 1/4", with Maps 397x Levant Grain Morocco, half circuit, leather lined, round corners, gold edges. Printed on writing quality Oxford India Paper with 7 /8 " margins for notes............................................................................................... 27.50 per Bible. add 250 per Bible for postage. California customers add an



30 Cloth, square corners, red edges. Dust jacket............... 4.00 52 Moroccoette, limp, round corners, red under gold edges......................................................................................................... 8.50 IND IA PAPER EDITION Only 3 /4 " thick 33x French Morocco, half circuit, round corners, red under gold edges.............................................................................. 13.00 CONCORDANCE ED IT IONS 152 Moroccoette, limp, round corners, red under gold edges......................................................................................................... 9.50 IND IA PAPER EDITIONS Only 7 /8 " thick 133x French Morocco, half circuit, round corners, red under gold edges. For Family Record specify FR........ 14.00 135x White French' Morocco, washable, limp, simulated leather lining, round corners, gold edges, orna­ mental gold roll. FamilyRecord. Gift boxed.................... 16.95 158x French Morocco, limp, leather lined, round corners, gold edges, ornamental gold roll. Family Record. BLACK or RED...................................................................................I 7-50 159x Natural Morocco, half circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. BLACK, BLUE or RED............................................................................................-.......19 00 147x Morocco, hand grained, half circuit, leather lined, round corners. BLACK, red under gold edges. BLUE, BROWN, MAROON orRED, gold edges............. 22.00 ORDER BLANK RIOEA ROOK ROOM 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Enclosed please find $........................................................... I for .............................................. Scofield Bible. I O without Index D with Index I Name.................................................................................................... I Address................................................................................................................. I



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