alumni news
W A N T E D ! ! Used cars for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re tail value. Write: ASSISTANCE IN MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif.
by Inez McGahey Patricia Major 42, Maharashtra, India: “I have returned to the hospital in Bom bay for another check-up by the heart specialist who gave the encouraging re port that my heart is all right now. How ever, he recommended another month’s rest and another check-up in a month . . . before discussing with me the nature of my work in the future. . . . I asked prayer for Spirit-filled evangelistic helpers for the work in Chandur Bazaar . . . and the Lord has sent us a good evangelistic help er who is busy witnessing in the Chandur Bazaar Christian Library and Reading Room. . . . The caretaker of my house in Chandur Bazaar now has his driver’s license. He can be a big help to us in our whole program.” Nancy Ashcraft ’55, Thailand: “I surely rejoiced to see the familiar sights again after a year’s furlough. . . . The old headman of our village, for whom it is named, died while I was on furlough. He was a Christian from his youth in Burma . . . and had urged us some three years ago to come live there so that his family might receive the teaching. His funeral was a real testimony. He had the faith to claim salvation for his entire family, a group numbering well over a hundred. . , . Soon after our arrival this time, we heard the news that one of Mow Dta’s daughters had just died. . . . Not long after that, her husband came to tell us that his wife had been saved, even on her deathbed. . . . Now he the husband wanted to claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Sav iour.” Floreine Dirks ’43 Sudan Interior Mis sion, Kano, North Nigeria: “Our 193 in patients and 62 out-patients come every Tuesday and Saturday for their medicine. . . . Each time they hear the Gospel. . . . Yesterday Dumba, a Fulani woman who accepted the Lord in the rainy season, came 35 miles just to thank us for leading her to the Lord. . . . She had been trans ferred to a clinic in which there is no Christian witness. . . . We received word that our doctor, who normally comes twice a year to check the lepers, will not be here now until February. Pray with us for the salvation of those who very soon will be pronounced physically healed.” Evelyn T5 and Kenneth Pike, Wycliffe Bible Translators: “Evelyn received her Master’s degree in the spring and taught at Norman last summer . . . and I shall be at the University of Michigan this fall for two semesters . . : before another summer in Oklahoma.” Nadine (Douglass ’39) and Kenneth Weathers, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.: “Before the Translation Workshop was over, we received the last proofs of Mark from our publications department and were able to do the last proof reading before publication. . .•. Now the copies are off the press. Just imagine what this will mean to a people who have not had a written language for very long. Ken is half way through Acts)”
t c, 'V& Tell Mymole * For 77 years we ha/e been telling Israel of her Messiah over 50 and more radio stations at home and .“ .abroad, Personal follow-up by our * ' ■ / •jtfissionaries has made this ministry * very effective Now in faith we are ** , -enlarging our missionary staff. Many ’ of. the-3 million Jeers in the N.Y. , V area, and in other large cities are • ’ •• open to approach with the Gospel .The time to reach them is very short. Will you take this expanded outreach ;
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on your heart, to pray and share? J . Send for f-ee ...opy of our informs- ■ L five quarterly, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL > -&ESSMETOISRAEL,INC. Ss' Box-882, General Post' Office Iw l p l S ' r m m i :vorit vfcY .'
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