King's Business - 1963-12

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C orrespondence School Proine Bible Institute T HRE E H I L LS • A L B E R T A • C A N A D A

BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND P ^ P R E S ID E N T , THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. Five Attitudes O f t e n f u n d a m e n t a l i s t ministers are sharply criticized for "heresy hunting.” The implication is that this is about the only theme on which they ever think or speak. This charge is false. Actually, however, there are at least five different types of individ­ uals or groups of individuals each of which requires a different attitude on the part of one who would follow the teachings of Scripture. There are the false religious leaders. Our Lord maintained a very stern attitude toward them. No stronger words of condemna­ tion have ever come from human lips than those which He uttered against the scribes and Pharisees of His day. We must understand why He rebuked them so severely. It was simply because they had refused to accept Him for what He claimed to be. If He had been willing to be classed as one of the great prophets, doubtless they would have accepted Him into their company. Or if He had been willing to identify Himself as being merely one of them, they would have welcomed Him with open arms. But they rejected Him com­ pletely because He claimed to be the Son of God, "thus making Himself equal with God.” He was born of a virgin; He did mighty miracles; He died on Calvary’s cross as an atonement for sin; He arose again from the dead. But even after the mighty miracle of the resurrection, they stedfastly refused to acknowledge His deity. Therefore the thorough-going, Bible-believing Christian has the example of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself to follow in his attitude toward those religious leaders who reject Jesus Christ for what He claims to be as revealed in the Scriptures. Our Lord condemned the Pharisees in the strongest possible terms, concluding with the sting­ ing words: “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matt. 23:33). It is the Christian’s responsibility today to repudiate completely all religious leaders who thus reject Jesus Christ for what He claimed to be. Commendable qualities which these blind leaders possess have no bearing on this matter. It is the attitude toward the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ which is of supreme importance. When a Bible-believ­ ing Christian discovers a religious leader who has rejected the claims of Jesus Christ, he can have but one attitude and that is to warn people everywhere against such leadership and teachings.

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The true minister of Jesus Christ must maintain yet another



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