King's Business - 1963-12

Peoplem Francis R. Steele, home secretary for the North Africa Mission, and other mission officials, has announced that organized work of the mission has ceased in Tunisia as a result of gov­ ernment orders. Government action came as a result of increased effec­ tiveness of the mission’s Bible corres­ pondence courses among Tunisia’s predominantly Mu s l i m population. Tunisian officials ordered the mis­ sion’s bookstore in Tunis closed, stop­ ped the work of the Bible Center, and suspended circulation of the courses. Mission leaders were called in by the government and told that their association was being dissolved. American and British embassies were kept well informed of developments and made strong representations on behalf of the mission, but to no avail. Dr. date A . Risley, Jacob Stam, president of the Gideons, International, was elected president of the Greenleaf Legal Society. The Greenleaf Legal Society was founded in 1961 as a national organization of Christian lawyers of the Protestant faith. It has local chapters in large cities, and on university campuses for law students. Mr. Stam, also a prac­ ticing lawyer, s uc c e e d s Gerrit P. Groen. John A . Berman, was elected vice-president and George B. Newitt, secretary-treasurer. Dr. Alfred Martin, dean of faculty of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, has written a new course entitled “Daniel — The Framework of Prophecy,” which has just been released by the Moody correspondence school. The course covers the historical and pro­ phetical significance of the book of Daniel. Dr. Qyde Taylor and Dr. Robert Cook, president of The King’s College, New York, yvere among speakers at a con­ ference sponsored by the National Association of Evangelicals recently. Held in Detroit, Michigan, the con­ ference brought evangelicals together to look outwardly and inwardly at the is$ues of ecumenicity and Chris­ tian unity. Several topics discussed executive secretary of National Sunday School Association, has r e s i g n e d his post effective this month. Dr. Risley has served with the NSSA since 1952. No plans for the immediate f u t u r e h a v e b e e n an­ nounced. Dr. Risley

theMem were “Evangelicals and the Ecumeni­ cal Councils,” “The Biblical View of Christian Unity,” and many others. J. Raymond Knigh­

ton, executive di­ rector of the Chris­ tian Medical Soci­ ety, Oak Park, Illi­ nois, recently re­ ceived the honor­ ary degree of Doc­ tor of Laws from Seattle Pacific Col­ lege, Seattle, Wash­ ington. Dr. Knigh­

J. R. Knighton

NOW! Train teachers in all departments with new “ how-to” filmstrips

ton is also editor of the new MAP Miniature Magazine, a unique 16- page “shirt pocket” periodical repre­ senting the Society’s Medical Assist­ ance Program which aids medical missionaries around the world. Peter F. Gunther was appointed di­ rector of the Moody Literature Mis­ sion. He has served for ten years as the assistant of former director Ken­ neth Taylor. In the administration and the domestic work at MLM, he will write and visit missionaries in Europe and Latin America. Willis E. Mayfield, manager of the radio division of Moody Bible Insti­ tute, has announced the granting by the Federal Communications Commis­ sion an increase in power for WMBI- FM from 44,000 watts to 50,000 watts. The increase will mean better recep­ tion of the station’s signal. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., recently described the first Pastors’ Conference held in Para­ guay as “unprecedented in size and scope.” The week following, another Pastors’ Conference was held in Cor­ doba, Argentina with some 500 na­ tional pastors and missionaries in. at­ tendance. Topics discussed were “The Pàstor’s Inner Life,” “Pastoral Re1 sponsibilities,” and “World Condi­ tions and a Global Vision.” Speaking along with Dr. Pierce were Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice president at large; Bish­ op Thomas Mar Athanasius, of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church, South India; and Dr. F. J. Huegel, of Disci­ ples of Christ, Mexico. Rochunga Pudaite, Executive Direc­ tor of the Indo-Burma Pioneer Mis­ sion, has announced the opening of a new liberal arts college at Sielmat, Manipur, India. Recognition by the government and accreditation with the University of Gauhati was grant­ ed last August. Sixty-five students are enrolled this year. A one-hour Bible class will be taught daily for all students.

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