King's Business - 1968-08

T he B ible says , “ G o to the ant, thou sluggard” (Proverbs 6: 6). Today I applied this to my­ self. I didn’t feel like doing any­ thing. After wandering about the yard on this very warm afternoon, I entered the house and saw an army of ants near the front door. My first thought was, “ Step on them.” Then I looked closer. What did they have? It was probably about fifty times bigger than any one of them, but they were mov­ ing it without any trouble. It was a piece o f cashew nut which I must have dropped earlier in the afternoon when I was munching a handful. Now the ants were possessors. There were ants on all sides of it, some pulling, some pushing, and some carrying side­ ways. Although I couldn’t tell for sure, I felt it must be on the backs of others. All were co-operating in the effort. There were big ants and little ants working side by side. A continuous stream o f new workers came to relieve those who had struggled for a while. Behind and before ran those who ap­ peared to be the cheering section. Others not involved with this work were scurrying back and forth in search o f more food. At one time, four ants ran by with the body of a little fly. At times they danced around in a circle; at times they backtracked, but usually they moved in a drunken, wavy line toward home. However, the main attraction of the moment was that piece of nut. I, too, was attracted, fascin­ ated with the teamwork. When they came to the doorway, disas­ ter occurred. The nut tumbled over with the ants still fringing it. Legs were flying in the air as they sought to right themselves, but to no avail. The work, how­ ever, didn’t stop because of a few who were “ laid up.” Others came and the nut traveled on. One by one, the ants on top released them­ selves and scrambled to safety. Sometimes a “ free loader” would travel on the nut for a while; but soon disappeared from the top. Inch by inch, they trav­ eled across the porch until they

I located the ir doorway. How would they ever get that big nut in that small hole? My curiousity was aroused and I knew I had to see this engineering problem to the end. The ants were startled as they arrived at the entrance. They, like us when we hit a new problem, tried many angles. First a blade of grass that almost covered the hole was thought to be the cause of failure. They tried to push it out of the way only to have it spring back before the hole. It was decided it had to be cut. So even while some were still push­ ing the nut toward the hole, oth­ ers were cutting away the ob­ struction. It still didn’t fit; out came the nut. Turning it in an­ other direction was tried. The lit­ tle creatures were determined to get their prize home. When this didn’t work, out came the nut again. Then they began to cut off pieces and carry them in. Some were still working at this narrow­ ing process while others carried it to the doorway again. Finally it went in. They worked it down farther and farther in the hole until I could see only the tip of it. Activity began to slow down. Tired ants rested near the door­ way. Night was falling and they had done a hard day’s work. While the work with their prize wasn’t completed, it was safe. Tomorrow was another day in which to work. What did I learn as I consid­ ered the ant that day? Oh, many things, but among them these: teamwork can accomplish a task which is completely impossible for one; no one is too small to help keep the ball (nut) rolling; every­ one must help if the work is to be accomplished; and even in the midst o f a busy schedule, there must be time for rest. I could see readily why God had bidden us in His holy Word, “ Go to the ant . . .” DU The author is a graduate of Multnomah School of the Bible. She is a nurse on the flying medi­ cal-evangelistic team , Roraima, Brazil, u n d e r Unevangelized Fields Mission.

came to the edge. Here was a four- inch drop and I was certain the nut would fall as it had at the doorstep. I grossly underestimat­ ed these clever, powerful little creatures. They had learned from the first experience. This time, with a firmer grip and more in front to brace it, they cautiously

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GuttwicXaeio Missionary in 0

Boa Vista, Brazil

descended. I was surprised at their success. But they had an­ other pitfall awaiting them—the edge o f the sidewalk. This time they would tumble, I was sure. Here again these tiny engineers transported their heavy burden without mishap. My admiration grew. Following the trail o f free ants,



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