King's Business - 1968-08

OLD FRIEND DISCOVERED S OME t im e AGO, Reverend Don de Boer, who graduated from the Bible Institute with a Bible major in 1951, and returned to se­ cure his B.A. from Biola in 1953, made a great find. He discovered a friend o f The King’s Business o f thirty-five years’ standing. In the providence of God, it came about this way: Mr. De Boer, then pastor of the Westgate Conservative Baptist Church of Tacoma, Washington (now pastor of the Conservative First Baptist Church of Lakewood, Colorado) conducted a regular church serv­ ice for inmates of the Westgate Convalescent Home of Tacoma. Among his “ congregation” was a bright and happy little lady, Mrs. Lydia Wager, who informed the pastor that thirty-five years ago, when she lived in South Dakota, she was given a subscription to The King’s Business as a Christ- mas present. She has been a sub­ scriber ever since! In the accom­ panying picture she and Mr. De Boer are looking at a recent issue. He asks: “ I wonder if there is anyone who has been receiving The King’s Business continuously since its inception? How many? Wouldn’t that be interesting in­ formation for your readers?” We certainly agree that it would. Mr. De Boer adds another worth-while, and deeply-appreci­ ated, word: “We continue to re­ member Biola Schools in prayer. We use 3x5 cards in our midweek prayer meeting as prayer remind­ ers and have one on which is typed: ‘Biola College—president, staff, faculty, students and the building program.’ ” With alumni like this, and sub­ scribers like this, how can we not know the rich blessing o f God? These two are a faithful and be­ loved pair indeed !


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and others with the Gospel. Invest your funds in Slavic Gospel Association A n­ n u ities to help us get the Gospel out to the Russian people and others, world­ wide. W rite fo r literature and infor­ mation. | S L A V IC G O S P E L A S S O C IA TIO N Peter Deyneka, General Director. | Dept. K 2434 N. Ksdzis Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647^


Prayer MAY WE PRAY FOR * YOUR REQUESTS? Send lo Prayer Time, The King's Business maga­ zine, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638

Missionary family with A.I.M. car.


AUGUST, 1968


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