King's Business - 1968-08

HOW MUCH INCOME COULD YOU BE GETTING FOR LIFE with an American Bible Soc ie ty Annu ity ? Here are just a few sample rates:

Science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser, Ph.D.

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60 63 65 68 70

4 .7% 73 5.0% 75 5 .2% 78 5.5% 81 5.7% 84

S in c e I h a v e written the Science and the Bible column for over ten years, it seems fitting that I con­ clude with a personal testimony. I am Pennsylvania Dutch, and one of my ancestors, William Rittenhouse, built the first paper manufacturing plant in America in the days of Wil­ liam Penn. I grew up in rural Penn­ sylvania and went to Sunday school regularly from the time of my earli­ est recollection, often walking long distances to do so. In one period of over nine years I did not miss a Sunday for any reason at all. The Bible was the first book I read out­ side the schoolroom. But for all this religious instruction, I did not know the gospel. When I was in high school and was already a church member, I once asked my Sunday school teach­ er what some people mean when they say Christ died for us. The teacher did not know either, so I did not find out till later. Evolution was taken for granted and was not an issue. As my great­ est interest was in biological science, I became a thoroughgoing evolution­ ist at a rather early age. When I learned what the gospel of salvation by grace means — that we cannot adequately please God by our own efforts or good works but for our salvation must depend wholly upon the reconciliation Christ made by His sacrifice upon the cross, I could not accept this fact because I saw that it could not be brought into agree­ ment with evolutionary theory. I was so sure the evolution was true that I could not believe the Genesis account of creation with its history of the fall of man. I believed that people emerged gradually from an animal ancestry, and therefore I could not believe that there were two first people who were distinctly dif­ ferent from animals. Thus I could not accept the record of the fall of man. From this kind of belief it fol­ lows that we are improving from an animal condition and Christ becomes our example o f how to live better, but not our Saviour. He then is to be looked upon as a martyr ahead of

His time instead of as the Redeemer. This is where evolutionary belief logically leads. I thought that if someone could disprove evolution to me, then I could believe. But I was so sure that evolution was true that I did not expect this to happen, and it did not happen this way. As I grew older, I associated with people more liberal than myself. As a result I became still more liberal, and knew person­ ally people who have become well known as liberal leaders. One night I went to a church where a minister was preaching the gospel. None of it was new to me. Every­ thing he said I had heard many times before. But to everything he said, I said to myself, “ I believe that.” This surprised me, for I thought I would never say that until someone dis­ proved evolution to me. There was no invitation of any kind, and no one knew anything had happened to me; but I knew there was a change. I went to a university library and read articles on evolution by evolu­ tionists in the scientific journals. I was surprised to find that evolution was not the fact I had supposed. The greatest disappointment I had since the time of my conversion.,was to find that some men of science who profess to be Bible-believing Chris­ tians and who therefore are looked to for help by confused parents and pastors, are saying that now it is all right, or even necessary, to ac­ cept a certain amount of evolution. Largely this is based upon a false definition of evolution, though some of these men are teaching real evo­ lution. This is breaking down re­ sistance to real evolution in the minds of Bible-believing Christians, and it is leading them toward an acceptance of real evolution. My final message and entreaty is: Do not be deceived by compromisers, the kinds of changes which can be observed taking place do not repre­ sent evolution; those who accept evo­ lution are doing so by faith and not because it has been demonstrated or proved, for it has not.

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AUGUST, 1968


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