King's Business - 1968-08

The Challenge o f the The IBJM, a ministry endorsed by fundamental Christian leaders, has 37 capable and consecrated missionaries on every continent. They report glo­ rious conversions and unprecedented opportunities for work among Jews. Your prayers and interest are vital to the continuance of this task of getting the Gospel to multitudes of Jews around the world. Write today for free copy of our magazine •THE EVERLASTING NATION ” President, Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus Chairman Advisory Board, Dr. Robert G. Lee International Board of Jewish Missions, Inc. P .0 . Box 1256, Atlanta, Georgia 30301

World’s Fair returned May 17th when most of the popular pavilions re-opened with their programs and exhibits. Among these is the “ Ser­ mons from Science Pavilion” which in 1967 attracted more than 840,000 persons to view its amazing science films and dramatic stage demonstra­ tions. Moody Institute of Science in Whittier, Calif., in May dedicated a new build­ ing which houses a sound stage and auditorium. These new quarters will

Scripture Press Foundation of G len Ellyn, Illinois, reports that many pas­ tors are expressing keen interest in the ministry of Home Bible classes. Four out of five of the pastors sur­ veyed stated that their churches now sponsor or encourage neighborhood Bible studies or would like to do so. Of the pastors whose churches have had or now have home Bible classes, 86.3% believe that they are highly effective. World Vision International and the Na­ tional Council of Kenya sponsored a Pastor’s Conference in April in Nai­ robi, Kenya. More than 1000 pastors from 21 denominations were present. Speakers included Dr. Paul S. Rees, director of the Pastor’s Conference ministry; Dr. Han Kyung Chile, pastor of Young Nak Presbyterian Church of Seoul, Korea; the Right Rev. Alfred Stanway, Bishop of Central Tanganyi­ ka; and the Rev. Festo Kivengere, An­ glican evangelist and Bible teacher from Uganda.

allow expansion of MIS in both film production and utilization. As a highlight of the ceremonies, the audi­ torium was dedicated to the memory of the late Henry Coleman Crowell, former executive vice-president of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. He was an influential friend and sup­ porter of MIS from its inception. Dr. Irwin A. Moon, founder of MIS, stated, “Without him, MIS would not have been possible.” Mrs. Crowell unveiled a name plaque to be mount­ ed near the entrance. Dr. William Culbertson of the Moody Bible Institute climaxed the program with a dedicatory message. Dr. Clate Risley, president of World­ wide Christian Education Ministries, has just returned from three months overseas. The greater portion of time was spent in South Africa, minister­ ing in Christian Education Confer­ ences of various kinds. A complete report of Dr. Risley’s observations is available on request. Western Baptist Bible College of El Cerrito, California, has been ap­ proved for accreditation by the Ac­ crediting Commission for Senior Col­ leges and Universities of the West­ ern College Association. The action was taken at Mills College in Oak­ land on May 13. The Association gave the college a thorough examina­ tion in March and submitted a fa­ vorable recommendation to the Re­ gional Accrediting Association. The college has held the statis of “ Rec­ ognized Candidate for Accreditation” for the past three years.


American Indian ch ild r e n f r om many tribes that are “ unloved” — “ unwanted” need your h e l p . Please give where it’s needed most. AMERICAN INDIAN MISSION SOCIETY Box 5215 Mission Hills, Calif. 91340

Evangelist Billy Graham talks w ith Julie Nixon, 19-year-old daughter of former Vice President R ic h a rd M. Nixon, and David Eisenhower, 20, grand­ son of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The young engaged couple attended the Pacific Northwest Billy Graham Crusade in Portland, Oregon while they were in that state just prior to the Oregon Presidential Pri­ mary. Some 227,797 persons attend­ ed the crusade during the 10 days of meetings with more than 7,000 re­ sponding to Mr. Graham’s invitation to accept Christ as personal Saviour. During 1968, Montreal is again host to millions of visitors. “Man and His World,” on the site of Expo '67, is the attraction. The excitement of a

NATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Pott Convention Tour to Hawaii Leaving from Los Angeles on SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1968

Returning on Thursday, Oct. 3, 1968 Is a Special Hawaiian Mission Emphasis Tour ONLY $335 per person For Free Folder please write to: GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE 465 Main St., Melrose; Matt., 02176



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