VDAS® e-lab : Frequently asked questions
Why should I buy VDAS ® e-lab rather than simply send my students a file of experiment data? VDAS ® e-lab encourages students to actively engage in the process and allows students to capture their own unique data set in direct response to observing the experiments in real time. This provides a better learning experience as the student observes the experimental procedure and may often need to request specific changes of the experimental parameters. The possibilities for plagiarism are greatly diminished, with lecturers being able to identify exactly who has participated in the experiment and, where doubts may exist, compare data sets between students. If I already have VDAS® software, can I use this remotely? No, you will need to download the latest VDAS ® (4.0.0 upwards) AND the institution will need to purchase an annual VDAS ® e-lab licence that will enable you to use the VDAS ® e-lab remote live data-sharing functionality. When I purchase VDAS® e-lab, do you send the software by post? No, visit www.tecquipment.com/downloads to download the latest version of the VDAS ® software. It is the same version of the software for both the person demonstrating the physical experiment and the student remotely receiving live experiment data. The VDAS ® e-lab licence unlocks the remote capability within VDAS ® .
Low network bandwidth requirement of max 1 Mbps
monitor engagement with a time-logged status of students’ connection
Can I use the same VDAS ® e-lab licence on multiple computers? The licence is specific to the experiment and can be easily transferred to other computers. If I have a single licence for one experiment, can I use it on different physical versions of that experiment? For example, I have one Universal Testing Machine on site 1 but I also want to use it with another Universal Testing Machine that is located on site 2. Yes, it is not specific to the single product, but it is specific to the experiment.
Do my students need a licence of VDAS ® e-lab? Not if they are receiving the live experiment data. Students download the latest version of VDAS ® (4.0.0 upwards) and will be given a connection ID from the demonstrator, who requires the licence to be active on their PC. The demonstrator could also be a student who has been provided with the licence information. How do I renew the annual licence? You will be contacted by TecQuipment near your renewal date about the renewals process. How many students can I stream live data to at any one time? There is no limit to the number of students you can share live VDAS ® e-lab experiment data with. What are the computer requirements for students to run VDAS ® e-lab? Students and the demonstrator each require a computer with Windows 8 or 10 operating system and 500 Mb of hard disk space, plus at least an Intel 5 or equivalent processor. What are the internet requirements for sending and receiving live VDAS ® e-lab data? A maximum of 1 Mbps is required. For many VDAS ® experiments, the requirement is much less than this.
VDAS ® -compatible TecQuipment product
Output signals
VDAS® hardware/ VDAS® onboard
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