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Do my students need a licence of VDAS ® e-lab? Not if they are receiving the live experiment data. Students download the latest version of VDAS ® (4.0.0 upwards) and will be given a connection ID from the demonstrator, who requires the licence to be active on their PC. The demonstrator could also be a student who has been provided with the licence information. How do I renew the annual licence? You will be contacted by TecQuipment near your renewal date about the renewals process. How many students can I stream live data to at any one time? There is no limit to the number of students you can share live VDAS ® e-lab experiment data with. What are the computer requirements for students to run VDAS ® e-lab? Students and the demonstrator each require a computer with Windows 8 or 10 operating system and 500 Mb of hard disk space, plus at least an Intel 5 or equivalent processor. What are the internet requirements for sending and receiving live VDAS ® e-lab data? A maximum of 1 Mbps is required. For many VDAS ® experiments, the requirement is much less than this.
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