King's Business - 1970-08

COLLECTOR’S ITEM for YOU! lO&Jé*?' esus C hrist

some tension between the genera­ tions. Most adults can recall tak­ ing issue with their parents during the turbulent teen years. But there seems to be general agreement that in today’s modern society, the gen­ eration gap is widening at a rather frightening pace. Britain’s Leslie Fall, who coined the phrase “ angry young men,” predicts, "the rela­ tions of the generations may be­ come the central social issue of the next fifty years as the relations between the classes have been for the past half century.” The distress signal coming out of many homes is, “ I can’t talk to my teen!” One exasperated father expressed it this way: “ I try to give a harmless little piece of advice, and it’s as though I am from an­ other planet and don’t know how life is lived here.” Parents need to recognize that there is a very general psychologi­ cal basis for some tension between the generations, and much of the time this is an unconscious influ­ ence. John D. Black, Director of the Counseling and Testing Center at Stanford University, in an address entitled, “ Bridging the Generation Gap,” suggests that the adult popu­ lation over age forty or so resents youth. “ We are confronted with in­ creasingly frequent and disconcert­ ing reminders of the passing of time, of lost opportunities, of ap­ proaching obsolescence,” says Dx. Black. Then he cites some of the symptoms of this approaching ob­ solescence: “ The aching back; the b ifo ca ls ; the den tu res ; p a in fu l glances at that unflattering bath­ room mirror with its wrinkles and bulges; the friends having coron­ aries, or worse, those irritating fashions that look so well— on peo­ ple under thirty! The distressing dilemma of aging parents.” For many parents of teens it is difficult to come to terms easily with the reality of aging. It is only emphasized in the constant con- THE KING'S BUSINESS

Building Parent-Teen COMMUNICA­ TIONS

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Easy to read, informative, challeng­ ing. But unless you are prepared to re-examine basic habits and

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y son, observe your father’s commands and do not reject the teaching of your mother” Prov­ erbs 6:20. (NEB). This is the ad­ monition of God’s Word to young men. So often the young man doesn’t want to listen; he doesn’t want to follow advice; he does not always obey easily. As a conse­ quence, there exists a conflict in M ten million United States homes today where teens reside. In many cases, this conflict is nothing short of a battlefield. It resembles a homefront Viet Nam, because a most frustrating aspect of this bat­ tle is to bring the participants to meaningful communications on how a truce can be reached. The major issues of the battle are widely publicized. They are grouped under the caption THE GENERATION GAP. Down through the ages there has always been

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