King's Business - 1970-08


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HERE COMES THE GANG THESUGAR.CHEEKGANG Bounding into adventures filled w ith suspense, mystery and laughter. Fun-filled, life-loving boys who never have a dull day. Energetic preteens who stum­ ble into scary and sometimes humorous adventures. B ill Collins, inside member of the gang, takes you along on camp­ ing trips, vacations and other outings around Sugar Creek. Throughout the series you will become involved in suspense, fights, mysteries and even a kidnapping or two. COME ON . . . JOIN THE GANG THE SUGAR CREEK GANG MEMBERSHIP FEE — 60« a book at your nearest Christian bookstore

with Dr. Clyde M. Narramore

one of America's largest psychological clinics — The Christian Counseling Center in Rosemead, California. gerous situation. In this way you would be able to unload your strong feelings and gain some relief. I think all of us should keep in mind that merely telling someone that we understand how he feels doesn't do the person much good. It is important to pray for people, of course, and it helps them to know this. It also helps when we encourage them to talk, tell us how they feel and explain their deep feelings. When we are feeling terrible and people do not encourage us to talk, it is a sort of slap in the face be­ cause what we need most is to get these feelings out, look at them, discuss them and evaluate them. The person who gives you a sweet little “ I understand how you feel," is in a sense telling you, “ Well, your problem is not very serious and it's not worth talking about.” Each of us can be a help to troubled persons if, in addition to praying for them, we allow them to talk about what is troubling them. "THE NATION’S WEALTH” “Righteousness exalteth a na­ tion: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34). The nation’s wealth cannot be found, In precious metals 'neath the ground; Not in her mighty forest trees; Nor even in her rolling seas.

Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City, is a nationally known psychologist. He is the director of

THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND Q. My problem is that I’m so tired of hearing people say “ I under­ stand,” when I know full well that they don’t understand. Our son is in a particularly critical and dan­ gerous spot in Vietnam and his mother and I spend many sleepless nights both praying and worrying about our boy. Of course we real­ ize that many other parents and families are experiencing this exact same trial and our hearts go out to them. What bothers me is when people who have nobody in the service, in the danger zone or anywhere else for that matter, say, "I know what you're going through and I under­ stand and I’m praying for you.” How can anyone understand an­ other person’s burden unless he has borne the same burden? I don’t like to have these feelings about another Christian but sometimes their “ understanding” gets under my skin. A. Many people who write to me feel just the way you do when some­ one says, concerning the person’s particular trial or problem, “ I un­ derstand." Yours is a very normal reaction for knowing that the person is not speaking from personal experience, you undoubtedly feel, as one person expressed it, that the "Job's com­ forter” sounds phony. Certainly these kind of people would help you infinitely more if they would just sit down and quiet­ ly draw you and your wife out, ask­ ing you to tell them more about your son and what he is experi­ encing and your own feelings of apprehension over him in his dan-

mooòy p r e s s T H E N A M E Y O U C A N T R U S T

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The wealth that makes a nation great, Cannot be measured by the weight, Of produce from the farm or mill; With all these, nations crumble still. The wealth that makes a nation strong, Is in her people hating wrong; Who’veseen the wondrous Gospel light; And day by day live clean and right.

JO IN TH E A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach an evan­ gelical message, associate yourelf with ^a recognized Church Body which will provide you with all the rights of the Clergy and at the same time allow you to teach or preach without being restricted by man-made doc­ trines. Send stamp for literature. American Evangelical Christian Churches 192 North Clark St., Chicago, III. 60601 38

—R o g e r F. C am p b e ll


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