King's Business - 1970-08

TOWERS OF BABEL There was a day in years long past, God’s Word doth tell it plain, When men of earth one language spoke, And sought to be "one name." Afraid of being scattered, They rallied in one place And tried a monument to build, To “unify” the race. A city and a tower They started on the plain, Exalted in their foolish pride, Their efforts proved in vain. For God "came down to see,” Just what His creatures made. He saw the vanity of man, On which their efforts laid. God saw man’s sinful arrogance, Rise proudly from the ground. 'Twas not in Him, their Maker, That they did so abound. And so God sent confusion And garbled up their speech. Their work soon lay in ruins, With Heaven beyond their reach. Not learning from this lesson Today men build again A-Super-Church collosal With unbelief that’s sin. “Discard the ‘outworn dogmas’! Let’s jettison the Faith! We’ll preach a social Gospel, That will 'unify' the earth! "We’ll be so compromising, Even Satan not offend. Why! He rriight even join us, If we but toward him bend!" But God once more will visit, Again come down to see, This work of mortals’ building, A false ecumenity. Christ's own will then be gathered, Within the jasper walls. The true removed from midst of false, Before His judgment falls. 0, worker, are your efforts, To "unify" the race? Or do you labor in God’s Spirit And trust His saving grace?

Parcelled Preaching b y R o b e r t W a r r e n C alvary Baptist Church of Whit­ tier, California, is currently packaging its sermons and minis­ tering by mail to the local shut-ins. Utilizing the latest in cassette tape recorders, this local church is ex­ tending its ministry by reaching those who are unable to attend the services. This unique ministry was born in the heart of the Director of Visi­ tation, Mr. John Strain. Sharing his vision, the Adult Sunday school classes have sponsored the special purchasing of these recorders with a nominal investment. A tape of the Sunday morning worship service is taken to the Re­ production Department, where, on a multiple-duplicator, it is recorded on compact cartridge cassettes and mailed to the shut-ins of the com- munity. Mr. Gene Bible, a Layman and recent retiree of the Ford Motor Company, directs this procedure. Once the cassette is shared in the home, it is placed in its individual mailing envelope and returned to the church to be re-used the fo l­ lowing week. Currently this ministry is bene­

fiting twenty-one members of this “ cassette congregation,” who now realize that though they may be out of sight, they are not out of mind. The program is presently being expanded to include m iss ion a ry members around the world. Each will receive as a gift his own tape recorder and monthly service cas­ sette. Then, on the return cassette the missionary will share his per­ sonal report to the congregation. In this way the missionary members will enjoy the continuing ministry of their home church and will be able to communicate the current news from their field. Once each missionary is sup­ plied, the next phase of this pro­ gram will be to provide a cassette recorder for each of the thirty-two servicemen in the armed forces. Parcelled preaching via cassette cartridges utilizes another twenti­ eth-century tool to share the time­ less truths of the Word of God.


Rev. Robert Warren is Pastor of Cal­ vary Baptist Church, Whittier, Calif.

—B r u c e E . S to c k in g

SEPTEMBER, 1 9 7 0

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