King's Business - 1970-08


MOTOMI PLAYED PACHINKO by! Don M cA lp in e as told to Jean Cerllng Allen

I n the autumn of 1957 Mary and I began a new work in Okaya, Japan, a city of 50,000 located on Lake Suwa, midway between Tokyo and Nagoya. Maple leaves were changing colors. Mulberry bushes — food for the silkworms that pro­ vide a second income for many Japanese families — divided the rice paddies that ringed the city. We first met Motomi Oguchi when we followed the Japanese cus­ tom of taking a little gift to each of our nearest neighbors. His was a 100-year-old house that brooded on the back of the lot, unpainted and derelict. The “ amado” shut­ ters, which protect against typhoons and nocturnal robbers, barely slid in their grooves, and the garden was littered and untilled. Motomi and his wife Takai had three children— each more shabby than the next. Motomi's parents and his younger brother and sister also lived with them. Grandfather Oguchi kept a small store, but Motomi was the main support of the large family. He had a good job and the salary would have been quite adequate, but Motomi liked to gamble. The favorite Japanese gambling game is “ pachinko” — pinball. Pachinko halls can be found in any town, but in certain sections of the cities they are lined up beside each other like fence slats. “ Pa-CHEEN- gada-gada! Pa-CHEEN-gada-gada!” The pinballs scream their hypnotic music out into the streets. Motomi could not have resisted even if he had wanted to — which he didn’t. Because of it, the family was ill- housed, ill-clad, and ill-fed. We started meetings in the local hall and a few people came. During that first winter we sat on the floor, feet dangling down into the “ kotat- su” where the warm charcoal pots kept us cozy — singing, viewing

slides of America, having Bible studies, and telling Bible stories. Motomi had read an article about Christians and came to the meeting to find out more out of mere curi­ osity. When he went home, he told Younger-brother Masahiro about the meetings, and the next time Masa­ hiro came with him. On Christmas eve, snow gently hushing the city sounds, Motomi and Masahiro came with the group to pass out tracts to the commuters hurrying in and out of the railroad station. They didn't really understand what they were doing, but they helped. Then they returned with us to the meet­ ing hall for the Christmas pageant and refreshments. Shortly after Christmas we had special meetings, and it was at these that Motomi found new life in Christ. Masahiro was well known in the area as an ice skater and distance runner so when he too became a Christian, the news rippled around the neighborhood. Soon Younger- sister, Motomi's wife Takai, and Grandmother gave their hearts to the Lord. There could be no doubt that Motomi and his family had received “ new life” ! They began to work the farm and raise flowers in the cleaned-up yard. They saved their money and soon remodeled the an­ cient house, putting in a modern kitchen with stainless steel sink and hot-water heater. They secured stereo and Gospel recordings. They also built another house on the front of the lot so half of the family lives there. Then they began reaching out­ ward. They bought extra sleeping mats so they could entertain all the missionaries and preachers that come through the area. When their guests leave, they load them down with fresh garden vegetables . THE KING'S BUSINESS

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