King's Business - 1970-08


*a message from the editor *

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result of World War II that brought us out of the depression. These left-wingers in the news business invariably have followed the socialistic policies which have become a part of the American way of life, in spite of the fact that some of these policies are dia­ metrically opposed to the history and ideology of America as it has progressed through almost two hundred years of its existence. The liberals did not dare to say much against President Dwight D. Eisen­ hower because he was such a hero to so many. Nevertheless, they did embarrass him by attacking his Vice President, Richard M. Nixon, and made every effort to get him off the ticket. This left-wing element is still after President Nixon's hide! The late Senator Joseph McCarthy did a tremendous job of exposing communism in high governmental circles, but these same left-wingers in the news media were able to put over the shameful notion that Senator McCarthy had committed a crime in his exposures. Today, when anyone speaks out against com­ munism, he is accused of following “ McCarthyism” and that, in their estimation, is a bad word indeed. This is the very same element that pilloried Senator Barry Goldwater in the national election of 1964. They took many of the statements which Mr. Goldwater had made in his political speches, twisted them out of their true meaning, and made them appear to be something reprehensible by showing him to be an “ extreme rightist.” This same element, now writing so much of our newspaper material and broadcasting so much of our radio and television news, hammered at President Lyndon Johnson until he real­ ized the futility of his even trying to be elected in 1968. They would have defeated President Nixon too if the opposition party had not been embroiled in a bitter political internal feud. Newscaster Smith declares: "The negative attitude which destroyed Lyndon Johnson is now waiting to be applied to Richard Nixon. John­ son actually was politically assassinated. And some are trying to assassinate Nixon politically. They hate Richard Nixon irrationally.” They have seized upon the Vietnam war as a means whereby they think it will be possible to slaughter President Nixon at the next elec­ tion. So whatever he says or does, they make it out to be blame­ worthy. In their estimation, it is always America that is totally wrong in carrying on the war in Vietnam. They call it "America's Immoral War.” Nothing whatever is said about the fact that the communists are waging this war in an effort to gain control of Asia and ultimately the whole world. Communist policy is too well-known to need repeating here, but the fact that the United States is dedicated to the mission of stopping its spread before it engulfs the whole world is never referred to by these liberal commentators. Frequently the protestors in our land are shown on television newscasts waving Russian flags, Communist China flags, carrying pictures of Mao Tse Tung, eulogiz­ ing those who would seek to destroy America, and condemning those Americans who are making a noble effort to save our beloved country from the ravages of communism. It is this element in our society that has been quite successful in putting over the lie that patriotism is a bad thing. They mean American patirotism; patriotism related to the communist ideology is acceptable. Continued on Page 6

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