King's Business - 1970-08

EDITORIAL (continued) Indeed, this has become an ideo­ logical war. The liberals — and the majority of the news media, includ­ ing newspapers, radio and televi­ sion, are liberals — are all for in­ stantaneous pulling out of our men from Vietnam, and all other areas of the world, and letting the com­ munists take over without a word of protest. It is the liberals who are so critical of any move on the part of our government to assist Israel in its heroic defense of its land and people. One cannot accuse all of the liberals who would have us pull away from every one of our friends and our re s p o n s ib ilitie s toward them, of being communists. Yet the inescapable fact is that this is exactly what the communists would be utterly delighted to have us do. The liberals in governmental cir­ cles and in all other areas of Amer­ ican life, seldom, if ever, say one word against communism. By their denunciation of the policies which would defend America against com­ munism, both at home and abroad, it would appear they would just as soon see America turned over to communistic ideology and prac­ tices. The utter hypocrisy of the whole situation, which the liberals are propagating, lies in the fact that the casualties in Vietnam can­ not compare with the victims of the cigarette, dope and liquor habits and other soul and body-destroying influences which are running ram­ pant in our beloved land. If these liberals really had the lives of in­ dividuals at heart, they would be putting first things first, especially from a numerical point of view. But their attitude is to do everything possible to discredit America as we have known it for two hundred years and to change it to something radically different, patterned after Marxism. Another unfortunate facet of this whole situation is that if anyone dares to oppose the liber­ als, he is accused of trying to polar­ ize public opinion and to divide the country. They have successfully brainwashed an appreciable seg­ ment of our population into think­ ing that they are doing and saying 6

the right thing and that those who oppose them are the big bad wolves in American life. Actually, it appears that the time has come when Americans would do well to change political affilia­ tions around and perhaps call them conservative and liberal, for that is exactly the polarization which these liberals have in itia te d . Then it would be possible to classify a Re­ publican according to his actual belief, from a political and sociolo­ gical point of view, and it would likewise be possible to so classify

tian-American way of life. Certainly, if the liberals have their way, the end is not yet. It would appear that the ultimate destiny of America would be nothing but a repetition of the great communist countries which have been held in the grip of a godless, atheistic ideology, where­ in the souls of men are not their own, but held by Satanic forces from which apparently there is no escape. It must be remembered that within a few short months there will be another national elec­ tion. Many men will be sent back to Washington. Before that election is held, the electorate would do well to listen to what these candidates have to say; and even more impor­ tant, to listen for what they omit. If one refuses to or is incapable of understanding what world commu­ nism is endeavoring to accomplish, he is not fit to represent the people of these United States in the halls of Congress. If he is soft toward those violent dissenters who are seeking to close the public educa­ tional institutions of our land, and in other ways completely disrupt so­ ciety, he has no business govern­ ing this great land of ours, and should be kept out of Washington. If a candidate, in any way whatso­ ever, espouses the Marxist doctrine of “ From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” by all means he should be kept out of any office where he can influence legislation to that end. It is anti-Christian in the extreme. It is also anti-American in the ex­ treme. This socialistic ideo logy should not be allowed to have any place whatsoever in our Christian- American way of life. These are deadly serious days in which we live. It is our firm conviction that the course of America for genera­ tions to come will be determined by the actions and attitudes of this generation during the next few years. God grant that the upcoming generation will yet be able to look back upon this generation with gratitude and thanks to God for saving America from a fate worse than death itself. THE KING'S BUSINESS

a Democrat. Then, at least, we would know for whom we are voting and what we could reasonably ex­ pect of them in their voting pat­ tern. Let it be said that if this were merely a political discourse, cer­ tainly it would have no place in a magazine such as The King’s Busi­ ness but it is the editor's firm con­ viction that this goes far beyond politics. It is a life-and-death strug­ gle within America itself. Actually, it is the life-and-death struggle for the very souls of men, because modern liberalism, from the very time that it reared its ugly head back in the early years of the de­ pression, has gone farther and far­ ther away from the historic Chris­

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