العدد 25 – فبراير/شباط 2025

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(16) Robert w.Cox, "Social forces, states and world Order: Beyond international theory", Richarch Little and Michael smith, In: prespectives on world politics (ed), New york: Routledge, 3rd ed, 2006, p.394. (17) Ken Booth, "Security and Emancipation", Review of International Sstudies, vol 17, N 4,( 1991), p.55. (18) Ken Booth, "security self: reflection on fallen realist", in: Keith krause, Mechael C. Williams (eds), critical security studies: concept and cases, U.S.A: university of minnesota press, 1997, p.106. (19) Ken booth, Theory of world security، UK: combridge university press, 2007، p.107. (20) Pinar Bilgin, "Critical theory" In: Paul D.Willaims,: Security Studies (ed), USA، Routledge 2008، p.90. (21) Ibid, p.91. (22) Ken Booth, Theory of world security, idem, p.109. (23) Keit Krause, Mechael C. Williams, "Broadening the Agenda of security studies: politics and methods", Mershon International studies review, vol 40 N° 02,( October 1996), p 231,232. ) مازن غرايبية، العولمة وسيادة الدولة الوطنية، من أعمال الملتقى الدولي بعنوان الدولة الوطنية 24 ( . 7 ، ص 2004 والتحولات الدولية الراهنة، جامعة الجزائر، كلية العلوم السياسية والإعلام، (25) Ken Booth, Theory of world security, idem, p.110. (26) Ibid, p.112. (27) Ken Booth, "security and Emancipation", idem, p.319.

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