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Do not abandon the trail urges rec group


Supporters of the Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail are now making their way into counties council’s chamber for a more personal lobbying effort to ensure an open future for the regional walking and cycling trail. Serge Lalonde and Serge Joly from the board of directors for the Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail Corp. (PRRT) met with United Counties of Prescott-Russell council members (UCPR) during their Oct. 26 session to make a plea for the future of the regional walking/cycling trail. Joly, describing himself as “an avid walker and hiker”, described the recreational trail as an important part of Prescott-Russell’s tourism, recreation and community features. “The Prescott-Russell Trail is a regional entity,” he said. “The Prescott-Russell Trail is important to the people in the community and to the region.” Joly added that trail users include cyclists, hikers, families with small children, people who have mobility issues that limit their recreational outlets, and others. He noted that in the winter certain sections of the trail even accommodate local and visiting snowmobilers. Joly recapped the history of the trail since its original development and after the UCPR agreed to assume management and maintenance responsibility for it. He also reviewed the current controversy over the trail’s future, including reports in the media about the costs for maintaining the trail versus its use, and also community lobbying efforts through social media, including an online petition, for the counties to continue to keep the trail open and active. Joly acknowledged that some sections of the Prescott-Russell Trail right now are in better condition than others. Some sections, which run through municipal centres, are paved while others are still in their original gravelled state. He argued that the paved sections might see more use but that did not mean the unpaved sections should be closed. He noted that hikers do not care if the trail they walk is paved or not and that

Serge Lalonde (à gauche) ainsi que Serge Joly, de la Corporation de la piste récréative de Prescott-Russell, ont fait un appel au conseil des Comtés unis afin de recevoir de l’appui pour que l’organisme puisse continuer ses opérations. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

the cyclists who enjoy riding the trail are different from those who prefer riding along a paved highway. “The people who use it are happy with it,” he pointed out, adding that there are still senior-level government grant programs in place that could help with the cost of

maintaining the trail. ThePRRTCorp. has, as oneof its long-term goals, Joly noted, the eventual connection

coast to the east coast and back. BothWarden Guy Desjardins and UCPR Chief Administrator Stéphane Parisien told

of the Prescott- Russell Trail with the recreational trail networks in Ottawa to the west and in Rigaud, to the east, as part of proposed Grand Trail network project between

Joly and Lalonde that right now continued funding for the trail is included in the 2017 draft budget for the counties. Whether that allocation will remain in the budget

“The Prescott-Russell Trail is a regional entity,” he said. “The Prescott-Russell Trail is important to the people in the community and to the region.”

Une nouvelle chef à la Police Provinciale à Hawkesbury Une nouvelle chef de police est entrée en fonction cette semaine à la Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) de Hawkesbury. Il s’agit de Frankie Campisi qui fait partie de la PPO depuis 23 ans où elle a touché à plusieurs aspects du métier. Elle a d’abord travaillé à Kingston et ensuite à Caledon. De 1998 à 2002, elle agit à titre de détective à l’unité de la pornographie juvénile. De 2002 à 2007, elle fait partie de l’unité qui combat le crime organisé. En 2009, elle est nommée sergent détective à la PPO et en 2012, elle est promue au rang de sergent major. – Stéphane Fortier

Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec for eco-tourism. This would later become part of the proposed TransCanada Trail project to provide Canada with a cross-country recreational trail network from the west

or what kind of funding will be available in future is part of the current budget discussions. “I hope that you, Mr. Warden, and the counties council will make the right

Avis d’assemblée spéciale

NoƟce of Special General MeeƟng

PRENEZ AVIS qu’une assemblée spéciale des Membres de l’organisme aura lieu au Local des Scouts, situé au 550, rue Albert, à Plantagenet, le lundi 5 décembre 2016, à 19 h.

TAKE NOTICE that a Special General MeeƟng of the members of Centraide United Way PrescoƩ –Russell will be held at Local Scouts Office situated at 550 Albert St in Plantagenet Ontario, on Monday, December 5, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

La présente assemblée a pour but :

This meeƟng is being held to: • Consider and approve the amalgamaƟon of CENTRAIDE/UNITED WAY PRESCOTT-RUSSELL, UNITED WAY/ CENTRAIDE OTTAWA, UNITED WAY OF LANARK COUNTY, and RENFREW COUNTY UNITED WAY into a single corporaƟon through a process of amalgamaƟon pursuant to secƟon 113 of the Corporations Act (Ontario); • consider and approve the ApplicaƟon for LeƩers Patent of AmalgamaƟon to be effecƟve on April 1, 2017; and • to consider and approve the General OperaƟng By-law No.1 of the new amalgamated corporaƟon, which will be submiƩed to the meeƟng and will be effecƟve on the date that the LeƩers Patent of AmalgamaƟon are issued. Please refer to for further informaƟon related to the Special MeeƟng. To register contact us at; 613-632-4699. B209488_TS

· d’étudier et d’approuver la fusion de CENTRAIDE/UNITED WAY PRESCOTT-RUSSELL, UNITED WAY/CENTRAIDE OTTAWA, UNITED WAY OF LANARK COUNTY et RENFREW COUNTY UNITED WAY en une société, par processus de fusion, conformément à l’arƟcle 113 de la Loi sur les personnes morales (Ontario); · d’étudier et d’approuver la demande de leƩres patentes de fusion qui entreront en vigueur le 1 er avril 2017; · d’étudier et d’approuver le règlement général no 1 de la Société nouvelle issue d’une fusion, soumis lors de l’assemblée et qui entrera en vigueur à la date à laquelle les leƩres patentes de fusion ont été émises.

Complément d’informaƟon sur l’assemblée spéciale : InscripƟon; 613-632-4699.


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