King's Business - 1960-09

by Arnold D. Eblert Librarian, Siala Collata

book reviews

TWO IMPORTANT BOOKS For Every Bible School Leader by Guy P. Leavitt

the main features of the subject de­ signed as an apologetic treatise. It is really a walk through the Bible with a guide who has studied the material written by the archaeologists them­ selves. The author has been a mission­ ary under the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions in Iraq since 1923. He prepared the material here for a class he taught in Biblical archaeol­ ogy in Tehran for members of the American Army advisory group. He has several scholarly distinctions, in­ cluding Phi Beta Kappa and member­ ship on the Fulbright Committee. Many illustrations add to the delight­ ful layout of the book. The language is not technical, but there is no dearth of solid material for any person in­ terested in a delightful introduction to this fascinating subject. There is a detailed index. 240 pages; cloth; Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis; $5.00. In this book the author takes her readers on an adventure to discover what God is really like. Not in the terms of the theologian, but in those of a simple, but vigorous, soul she shares her discoveries. Personal re­ lationship with the Lord is explored. This is not theory but practice. The excitement of it is portrayed in a manner that will stir one’s soul. One chapter, “ Is God shockable?,” will outline the realistic manner in which God looks at the sinner and goes to him without hesitation to heal. Miss Price points up the differences be­ tween the new birth and conversion. Many aspects of the book put it in the category of a case study in re­ ligious psychology. 180 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. The Church and The Fine Arts By Cynthia Pearl Maus This volume completes a trilogy of which the first two titles were The Old Testament and the Fine Arts and Christ acrid the Fine Arts. There are six parts to the present volume cover­ ing the apostolic church, the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant movements in Europe and North America, and the world-wide church at large. It is an anthology of pictures, poetry, music, and stories in prose. Collaborators helped with all but the first and last of these sections. Im­ mense labors must have gone into the Strictly Personal by Eugenia Price

A Treasury of Books For Bible Study By W ilbur M. Smith

Many have read for years the stimu­ lating and informative articles that have appeared in Moody Monthly under the feature heading, “ In the Study.” Dr. Smith has here gathered together those that have permanent value for Biblical studies. Unless one ‘gets around,’ so to speak, in the liter­ ary world, one has no idea how much is being written about the Bible. Dr. Smith is as familiar with the general field of Biblical writing as anyone. There are twenty-one articles in this collection, ranging from “ The Signi­ ficance of Celestial Phenomena in Biblical Prophecy,” “ The Literature of the Flora of the Bible,” and “ The Disappearance of the Messianic Hope in Contemporary Judaism,” to “ A Protestant Bibliography on the Virgin Mary.” There is an index. 288 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Natick, Mass.; $3.95. Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders By lames Burns, with additional chapters by Andrew W . Blackwood, Jr. When asked by the publisher to recommend an old book for reprint­ ing, Dr. Blackwood named this title. It was first published by Hodder and Stoughton in 1909. After discussing the laws in general, the author in­ vestigates a number of famous revival movements from that under St. Francis of Assisi, Savonarola, and the Reformation movements under Luther and Calvin, to John Knox and John Wesley. Among the laws discovered are: progress, spiritual growth, period­ icity, leadership, variety, recoil, and doctrine. Dr. Blackwood finds these basically at work in our day, but not in the same way as in former days always. He ends the book with a chapter of his own on lessons for evangelism. Behind every revival are certain forces working. This book will help to understand them. 353 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $3.95. Prophets, Idols, and Diggers Scientific Proof of Bible History By John Elder As a book on Biblical archaeology, this is not an original source, but a carefully worked out presentation of

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FOR ONE MOMENT By Christmas Carol Kauffman

You'll live this story with Herbe who seeks to know God for one moment as he awaits death.

You will feel heartache, you will grope for reasons why, and you will find answers— the one ANSWER. A read­ ing experience you will not want to miss. $3.25 Order from your Bookseller or Dept. KB H E R A LD PR E SS Scottdale, Pa.



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