King's Business - 1960-09

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I want to congratulate you for your message and evaluation of the “ Protestant Council on Roman Catholicism.” I am in most hearty accord with your views. I too was shocked when I read the news release from this council. I am disappoint­ ed that those who participated did not come out 100% for our Protestant-Re- formation heritage. To my way of think­ ing there can never be a meeting of minds from these two widely separated groups. I am becoming more and more dis­ tressed when I sea the gradual letting down of the bars on the part of some of our evangelical brethren. Is there going to be a compromise in this area as there has been in that of the liberal branch of Protestantism? If so, God help us! (I say this reverently, but most sincerely.) R®v. Alton F. Olsen, Grace Reformed Episcopal Church, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Thank God for your bold and true state­ ments. We are shocked that such funda­ mental leaders of the Protestant faith should make fools of themselves by such a declaration. I am a Protestant Presby­ terian minister and know first hand that the Roman Catholic Church will never change its false boasts and claims. Rev. H. P. Dunlop, Long Beach, California. When we read your Editorial in the July issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS, we just said, “Well, praise the Lord!” We are thankful that you have taken this strong stand in print against this issue of compromise by evangelical Protestants. Also, we are most thankful for the print­ ing of the letter by Mary Lyons, who was saved out of the Satanic cult of Seventh- day Adventism. W e have known for a long time, from personal relations with this cult, that it is the most diabolically subtle of all the cults. Mrs. Mixpah Woffenden, Pasadena, California. I want to tell you how greatly I ad­ mired your editorial in THE KING’S BUSINESS. This was so good and help­ ful! Mrs. F. "Mother M a c " McOuat, Santo Ana, California. I want to commend you for your edi­ torial. This page really strikes home! The* evaluation you gave the report of the Protestant Council on Roman Catholicism is very thorough and significant. The growing attitude of “ new-Evangeli- calism” is becoming more clearly defined at this time, and those men you referred to seem to be expressing it more frequent­ ly- I think your editorial is a real contri­ bution to our fundamental position. Lowell C. Wendt, Notional President, Inde­ pendent Fundamental Churches of America, Chicogo, Illinois. (Mr. Wendt is also pastor of the Hope Union Church of Rosemead , California.) SEXUAL PURITY I congratulate you on your frankness (continued on next page)

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PAUL J. MEYER, National Sales Director AUDIO LIBRARY PROGRAM P. O. 1790, Waco, Texas Dear Mr. Meyert You have given me reason to stop and think about my life and my work. I believe that I would like to know more about a true Christian field where I con be of service to mankind and at the same time provide handsomely for myself and ray family. Please send me full information on this Program you coll “ The Greatest Business in the World." Kg .9



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