King's Business - 1960-09

LETTERS (coni.) in publishing the article on Sexual Purity in your July issue (“ The Christian Home,” by Paul Bayles). We, as Americans and as Christians, need to face this problem squarely. Can God continue to bless this nation if these things happen even in “ Christian circles” ? The amount of porno­ graphic literature that is handled through our mails staggers the mind and saddens the heart. It’s time we called sin, sin, and fight it with every ounce of our strength. Normon M. Kensington, Portland, Oregon. S.D.A. OPEN LETTER Praise the Lord and Hallelujah! Some­ one has finally told the truth! Mary Lyons, having been once on the side of error and brought out into the glorious light and freedom of our wonderful Saviour, apparently knows what Walter Martin and Dr. Donald Grey Bamhouse refuse to acknowledge. Thank you so much for printing this letter in your magazine (July, 1960). Mrs. George L. Corneal, Pasadena, California. PROPHECY I am glad for your good and clear pre­ sentation of “ The Thousand Years Reign of Christ” as presented in THE KING’S BUSINESS (Dr. Talbot, July, 1960). Keep up the good work, and may the Lord bless you. R. I. Humberd, The Humberd Press, Flora, Ind. HOMEGOING OF POETESS Thank you for the many poems and articles you have pripted by Mrs. Helen Frazee-Bower, who went home to be with the Lord June 25. Her passing leaves a great void for us who remain for a time. As one saint said when informed of her home-going, “ They are singing the ‘Halle­ lujah Chorus’ in heaven for Helen.” The illustration of her poem “ Land of the Free,” in the July issue was lovely. Unfortunately she did not get to see this —but she knows about it now! With kindest regards and best wishes to the other members of your editorial staff. William M. Bower, Long Beach, California. Your article “ I Remember Father,” by Helen Frazee-Bower (June, 1960), was a great blessing to all of us. It woke us up. W e are growing apart; our family altar has ceased to be. The Lord has melted our hearts through this heart-searching article. Mrs. H. E. Mallett, Cupertino, California. SUGGESTION FOR SERIES Last year I had occasion to read Charles Spurgeon’s seven volumes of “ The Trea­ sury of David.” They were printed some­ time in the early 1800’s, I believe. Could you, each month, print a Psalm or two with Spurgeon’s study of it? I believe there has been an abridged version re­ cently printed. Couldn’t you publish the original? They now seem to be out of print. I have been looking for a set. Elizabeth Krivak, Hazelton, Pennsylvania. W e received a great blessing from the dedicated men of God who help to com­ pile the magazine. May God direct and guide each of you as you carry on until our Saviour returns. Mrs. Joe P. Bradley, Dallas, Texas.

December 4-11 at the Moody Church in Chicago. Theme for the week will be “ Facing the Unfinished Task.” Dr. Paul E. Freed, president of Trans World Radio, announced the instal­ lation of a 100,000 watt transmitter in the Monte Carlo site of the organi­ zation. Plans call for programs to begin on a regular schedule this month in 28 different languages. The

Mr. C. Stacey Woods has resigned as general secretary of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. He has been associated with the work since 1936. His work in the future will be cen­ tered largely with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Mr, Eugene Boyer, evangelist with the Pocket Testament League, reports that Ganges, a town of 5,000 in South­ ern France, has had a revived interest in Protestantism. Mr. John Jesberg, PTL representative in France, has set up campaigns for other towns sur­ rounding Paris. In recent meetings, Mrs. Marj Saint, widow of martyred Nate Saint, participated in a number of the meetings. Dr. H. H. Halley, author of the well- known Bible Handbook, has revealed that publishing rights have been ac­ quired by the Zondervan Publishing House of Grand Rapids. The book, in its 22nd edition, has recently passed the 1,000,000 mark in distri­ bution. It was started 36 years ago and now contains more than 960 pages. Mr. Herb Jauchen, Mr. Herb Jauchen Robert Walker, presi­ dent. The firm publishes “ Christian Life,” “ Choice” and “ Christian Book­ sellers” magazines. Dr. John B. Marchbanks, president of Southern Bible Book House, has re­ vealed that the company has with­ drawn from the publishing business through its sale to Loizeaux Brothers of New York City. The Southern firm has published such classic volume as The Annotated Bible, by Dr. Arno C. Gaebelein. Clyde S. Kilby, chairman of the de­ partment of English and literature at Wheaton College, will head the Fifth Annual Writer’s conference to be held on the campus October 14-15. Others participating will be Mr. Joseph Bayly, former editor of “His” magazine. Ad­ ditional information is available from the College. Rev. J. O. Percy and Rev. C. Gordon Beacham , co-directors of the Congress on World Misions, have announced that special meetings will take place advertising director of “ Christian Life” magazine, has been elevated t o vice- president of the or­ ganization accord­ ing to an announce­ ment made by Mr. D . . u , ..

Gospel Radio from Monte Carlo imposing radio structure was built by Hitler during the German occupation of Monacco. His purpose was to use the facility to spread Nazi propagan­ da around the world. Today it will be used for the Gospel message. Mr. H. J. Taylor, chairman of the Laymen’s Sponsoring Committee of the Greater Chicago Billy Graham Crusade, has announced a month long series to be held in the midwest metropolis in 1962. Sunday meetings will be conducted in massive Soldiers Field. COSTA RICAN GOSPEL BOOKSTORE GOES DOWNTOWN Passers-by on San Jose’s busiest street stop to view something they haven’t • seen before — a downtown Christian bookstore— as result of re­ location of Latin America Mission’s “ Editorial Caribe” store, dedicated June 11. Literature ministries of mis­ sion include San Jose publishing house, which sends gospel literature all over Spanish speaking world, plus, strategic bookstores in Panama, New York City, and Costa Rica.



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