King's Business - 1960-09



Mr. Wilmer C. Surber, Nashville, has been appointed Public Relations Rep­ resentative for Broadman Press. He was formerly city editor for the Nashville Banner. Rev. Stephen F. Oi­ di®*^ ' ford, pastor of the " Calvary B a p t i s t Church of New York City, was spe- Olford called for delegates to “ return to the New Testament principle of progress.” Rev. Stephen Olford Miss Helen Keller has been elected a life member of the American Bible Society at the organization’s recent annual meeting. The ABS this year observes its 125th anniversary of work among the blind. More than 17,650,- 000 copies of the Scriptures have been distributed throughout the world in 1959 by the Society Dr. Clate A. Risley, d e c l a r e d that the theme for 1960’s National S u n d a y School Week will be, “Vote for Sun­ day School.” The observance is slated for September 25 to October 2. Featured speakers for the NSSA’s National Convention in St. Louis October 12-14 will be: Dr. Clyde W. Meadows, president of the Interna­ tional Society of Christian Endeavor; Dr. W. A. Criswell, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas; Dr. Theodore H. Epp, founder-director of the “ Back to the Bible Broadcast” ; and Rev. Bert Webb, president of NSSA. Mr, Peter F. Gunther, director of Moody Literature Mission, has been named board chairman of the Evan­ gelical Literature Overseas. The ELO has also declared October 9 to be World Literature Sunday in churches. The purpose is to stress the need for evangelical printed materials to be placed in the hands of men and wom­ en around the world. Dr. Howard Vos, textbook editor of Moody Press, and Dr. Charles Pfeif­ fer, professor of Old Testament at Gordon Divinity School, have spent the summer months in the Near East gathering materials for a new book on the historical geography of Bible lands to be published soon by Moody Press. . cial speaker during H the recent 1 0 t h Baptist World Con­ gress meeting in Rio de Janeiro. Mr. executive secretary of the N a t i o n a l Sunday School As­ s o c i a t i o n has

You may select your own child from the pic­ tures herein and become a sponsor of one of these dear Korean orphan children. (You may ask a friend to be co-sponsor with you— $4 each). Each child has a heartbreaking story. For instance, number 1-E Kim Soon Han was bom March 25, 1948. His father, a farmer, was conscripted as a laborer at the front lines dur­ ing the Korean war and was killed in 1951. Later his mother was bombed to death!

Soon Han had no choice but to beg for food and rags of cloth­ ing, sleep under bridges, in R.R. stations or under the stars. How, while suffering indescrib­ ably from hunger, exposure and loneliness, this child man­ aged to stay alive for years, no one will ever know.

RESCUED FROM DESPA IR Now he is cared for in our New Life Christian Orphanage near Masan City, which is in desper­ ate need of many new sponsors. Each child is waiting to have an American or Canadian “ Daddy and Mommie” ! For only $8 a month— just 26

pennies a day—you or your Sunday School, Bible Class, Junior Church, Ladies Group, etc., will help bring Christ to your chosen boy or girl and train him to be a Christian leader in Korea. This $8 provides all the needs of the child, including the school tuition which is not free in Korea. The ESEA is caring for over 5000 orphans, children of lepers and war widows. Over 6 million meals are served each year. Many more children are in desperate need, homeless, ragged and hungry. Help us expand our 65 Homes. Each one is a real Christian institution. All Staff and Board members are earnest Bible-believing Chris­ tians. Korea’s severe winter will soon be on. W ill you help us so that we may take many more children off the streets and into our Homes? God will bless you if you will. Write or phone NOW!

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 31, Illinois

,------------------------------- -- - CLIP A N D M A IL TO D A Y ----------- I □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is Number ---------- ---------------------- | If this child has already been “ adopted,’’ I agree to support another whom you will select. I With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name, I picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support I for Q first month, Q full year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. | Q I cannot “ adopt” a child, but want to help by giving $----------------- ------ ----------------- -------— - I | Q Please send me further information. I Name......... ..............................................—........-.....—......................— .......................................................................— * I Address.... ------ a---------------...~— ------- .......................— - —............. ............................. .................... ~............... | . city ........................ ri 111 r ...........................................Zone..........State..........................——*...................— — --------- I • Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. | THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ACo^ r^ t I Dept. K-9, 4848 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 31, Illinois, Telephone: GLadstone 6-4181 ]


JULY, 1960

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