TASM 2024 - Panels and Abstracts

Panel 2B: A Civil (Society) Discussion: How to Better Integrate Civil Society into Multistakeholder Projects

Chair: Dr Katy Vaughan (Swansea University) & Dr Ashley A. Mattheis (Dublin City University)

Panellists: Anjum Rahman (Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono) Dia Kayyali (Christchurch Call Advisory Network) Tonei Glavinic (Dangerous Speech Project) Niklas Brinkmöller (Violence Prevention Network) Dr Farzaneh Badiei (Digtial Medusa)

Abstract: Multistakeholder research in preventing and countering violent extremism (on- and offline) primarily incorporates academia, industry, policy makers, think tanks, and law enforcement. When civil society partners are included, they are often only included as listeners or audiences. Civil Society, however, is both the foremost stakeholder and beneficiary of this work. Moreover, civil society organizations do much of the work in “on-the-ground” interventions and response to the effects of extremist violence. This results in an impact and knowledge transfer gap between existing multistakeholder work in this area and civil society that reduces our capability to respond to the problem and that leaves out a crucial perspective. This workshop will involve a facilitated, interactive discussion with a cohort of seven members of civil society organizations focused on combatting extremism and terrorism on- and offline. The session is aimed at developing new connections for and with civil society partners and organizations through engagement with other TASM attendees. The goal is to discuss ways to potentially improve engagement with, and integration of, civil society actors and organizations in online (and offline) CT work.

This session is part of an ESRC-funded Impact Accelerator Award, entitled: Co-creating Impact via Integrating Civil Society: Building Inclusive Multistakeholder Networks (CIvICS).


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