TASM 2024 - Panels and Abstracts

Panel 2C: Combatting the adversarial shift: Emerging challenges in tackling terrorist use of the internet

Chair: Archie Macfarlane (Tech Against Terrorism)

Panellists: Grace Rollison (Tech Against Terrorism) Rory Donovan (Tech Against Terrorism)

Abstract: Tech Against Terrorism is a public-private partnership that disrupts terrorist and violent extremist use of the internet. Our panel will closely align with the theme of the conference, covering both challenges and responses to terrorist and violent extremist (TVE) use of online platforms. We will set out the context by outlining the emerging threat picture in terms of exploitation of existing and new technologies by TVE actors based on our open-source monitoring. We will then present on our research mapping far-right terrorist propaganda dissemination online based on Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP) data. Finally, we will highlight the challenge of responding to incidents where attacker-produced content is circulating online, setting out our new TCAP Incident Response policy and how it reinforces existing multistakeholder crisis mechanisms.


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