TASM 2024 - Panels and Abstracts


Panel 5A: Understanding The Base: Analyses of online interactions, recruiting, networks, and motivations

Chair: Prof Anthony F. Lemieux (Georgia State University)

Panellists: Dr Michael Loadenthal (University of Cincinnati) Virginia Massignan (Georgia State University) Elizabeth Bailey (Georgia State University)

Abstract: The Base is a North American neo-Nazi accelerationist group focused on survivalism and founded in 2018 by Rinaldo Nazzaro. We will present findings from a collection of 127 recorded recruitment calls (780,000 words; 1,500 pages) and approximately 47,000 screenshots of online communications. Panel topics include: methodological and technical aspects of working with the dataset, and the development of topic and network models; motivations for joining The Base; mundane aspects of conversations and ‘everyday’ interactions; recruiting of individuals with military backgrounds and selection criteria.


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