TASM 2024 - Panels and Abstracts

Panel 5D: Red Teaming: Emerging Threats in Online Extremism

Chair: Broderick McDonald (University of Oxford)

Panellists: Dr Simon Copeland (RUSI) Charley Gleeson (ExTrac) Kye Allen (University of Oxford) Petra Regeni (RUSI Europe)

Abstract: Red and blue teaming have become popular methods to identify risks and develop technical solutions to online harms by industry, government, and international organizations. By leveraging inter-disciplinary subject matter experts, red teaming has significant potential to improve products and practices. However, to be effective and focussed, participants must be trained in how these methods evolved and the best way to contribute to the wider team. Many experts whose knowledge or backgrounds could improve red teaming efforts are often unaware of how the methodology works or how they could contribute to it. Effective red teaming requires a wide diversity of socio-economic, ethnic, religious, and gender perspectives to identify novel risks and solutions. To help address this, our workshop will guide participants through mock red teaming exercises to give them hands-on experience with the method. Using the topic of emerging threats in online extremism, this session will demonstrate how different perspectives and novel thinking can inform new policies and solutions that keep pace with changing digital challenges and environments. Our facilitators will bring in insights from their research or previous red teaming experience to guide participants through the process and answer questions as they arise.


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