

Après-midi Lego à la biblio

Local author makes dream come true

Au lendemain de la nuit des oursons et singes en peluche à la Bibliothèque Champlain de Vankleek Hill, les enfants ont eu un plaisir fou lors de l’activité Lego, où créativité et imagination étaient de mise. « On sort les blocs et on s’amuse en créant des petites autos, un hélicoptère, desmurs et des maisons, a indiqué le préposé aux prêts, Mario Larocque. Des activités comme celles-


promoting his book. Robert has a few published magazine articles, and is working on a fewmore books including a children’s book, a spiritual book, and a sequel to ‘Lake of Hidden Secrets’ . Robert can be found at the Vankleek Hill Farmers Market most Saturday mor- nings selling his book as well as a few other local authors books including a few Emily BlossomMystery books by Blanche Renard Putzel, and Emma and the African Wishing Bead by Valerie Redmond. The authors will be on hand at the Van- kleek Hill Farmers Market on Saturday, March 28, for book signing and conversa- tions.

Roland Robert has wanted to be a writer since he was in grade 7. He finally wrote a book called Lake of Hidden Secrets , which was published in February 2014. “The book started as an essay in 1980,” said Robert. “I put it aside for a number of years and then I thought the essay I wrote could be used as a climax, which became the climax for this book.” Robert wrote the rest of the book around this climax. “It’s a fiction, romance with mystery.” Robert published the book himself with the help of FriesenPress Publishing. “It took me six years to write it, once I got started,” explained Robert. “It’s been my life-long dream to write a book, and now I have.” Originally from Montreal, Robert was a military kid. He moved around quite a bit using his writing as an anchor for his life. Robert has studied psychology, philosophy, history, administration, and creative writing. As a long-haul truck driver for many years, his writing took a back seat, writing only sporadically when he had the chance. “I’ve seen a lot,” said Robert. “I havemore than threemillionmiles under my belt.” Now retired, Robert spends his time writing, and

là, ça fait sortir les enfants de lamaison et ça les amène à la bibliothèque. Ensuite, ils peuvent découvrir nos autres activités, comme les clubs de lecture, et revenir à la bibliothèque plus souvent. Par exemple, avec les toutous qui ont dormi ici, les enfants venaient cette semaine et nous demandaient comment leur ourson allait. » Ci-dessus, Aleecia Schwendemann, 5 ans, et son frère Alisander Schewedemann, 6 ans, lors de l’activité Lego du 19 mars dernier. (SL)


Roland Robert will be signing his book ‘Lake of Hidden Secrets’ at the Vankleek Hill Farmers Market on March 28. A few other local authors will be on hand signing their books as well.

Théâtre musical avec les Chiclettes

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Le trio musical des Chiclettes, composé de Na- thalie Nadon, Julie-Kim et Geneviève Cholette, sera à Alexandria ce samedi, pour y présenter son spectacle intitulé les Chiclettes à Hollywood. « Ce spectacle est un heureux mélange de théâtre musical et de cabaret d’entre- guerre avec des personnages colorés jouant des scénettes rappe- lant le théâtre des variétés des années 1940 ». Au rythme des musiques swing et jazz, les trois comparses racontent en chansons l’histoire de trois personnages qui cherche leur voie et qui décident de plonger dans le rêve américain et le glamour de Hollywood. Le spectacle débutera à 20h, au Pavillon Bonnie Glen d’Alexandria, le tout en collaboration avec le Centre culturel les trois p’tits points.

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