2023-24 SaskEnergy Statement of Corporate Governance

Communication and Engagement

Shareholder Communications As a Crown corporation, SaskEnergy complies with the communications requirements of its Owner and by statute, in accordance with a Board- approved external communications policy. Through the Board Chair, the Board is accountable to the Minister Responsible for SaskEnergy. The Minister functions as a communications liaison among the Corporation, CIC, Cabinet, the Provincial Legislature and the public. SaskEnergy complies with its statutory obligations for the approval and disclosure of information. These responsibilities include: • Annual approval of the Corporationʼs business/ performance management plan, including capital expenditures. • Annual disclosure through Crown and Central Agencies of all payments greater than $50,000 to employees and suppliers, and of all grants, donations and sponsorships greater than $5,000. • Appearances before public committees of the legislature, including Crown and Central Agencies, by senior executives to answer questions relating to the business of the Corporation in preceding years. • Compliance with public requests for information,

These communications tools include briefing notes, face-to-face meetings and other information packages to ensure elected officials are able to represent the Corporation in the public and through the media when speaking on issues regarding SaskEnergyʼs business operations. The Corporation is also expected to respond expediently to correspondence and queries submitted by the office of the Minister Responsible for SaskEnergy. Project-based Communications SaskEnergyʼs distribution, transmission and storage projects can impact the communities in which they are occurring. In addition to complying with all legal and regulatory considerations, SaskEnergy typically holds consultations with affected stakeholders and potentially impacted communities in areas where projects are of significant duration. Such communications initiatives include public open houses and meetings with local municipal councils, First Nations representatives and others who may be impacted. Project information, including maps and videos, are made available on the TransGas website. These initiatives allow company officials to explain the environmental impacts of proposed activities, including proposed mitigation plans. They also provide opportunities to enhance general understanding of the projectʼs economic benefits and of natural gas as a heating source. A dedicated Indigenous Engagement group exists at SaskEnergy to better foster consultation, dialogue and relations with Saskatchewanʼs approximately 75 First Nations Bands and 12 Métis Regions.

balancing the interests of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act .

SaskEnergy also works cooperatively with CIC, the office of the Minister Responsible for SaskEnergy and Executive Council Communications to generate dialogue, understanding and support for corporate initiatives that affect stakeholders.


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