2023-24 SaskEnergy Statement of Corporate Governance

Communication and Engagement

Regulatory Communications SaskEnergy is required to file any applications for delivery and commodity rate changes with the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (SRRP), an advisory panel that provides formal recommendations to the Provincial Cabinet. The applications are available to the public. Typically, the SRRP will ask for additional information to assist in its review, and a public interaction component is provided through public meetings. In June 2023, SaskEnergy applied to the SRRP for a rate adjustment. Effective October 1, 2023, SaskEnergyʼs commodity rate was decreased from $4.20 per gigajoule (GJ) to $3.20 per GJ, and its delivery service rate was increased by a system average five per cent. This combined rate adjustment results in an overall bill decrease of 7.8 per cent, or $6.52 per month for the average residential customer. SaskEnergy sets its rates at a level that ensures the maintenance of safe, reliable and affordable natural gas service across Saskatchewan while balancing affordability for customers. After a period of high natural gas prices in 2022, natural gas prices began to fall, allowing SaskEnergy to request a decrease to its commodity rate. As of March 31, 2024, SaskEnergyʼs residential customers have the second lowest average total natural gas bills across Canada. TransGasʼ proposed rate changes are discussed through the TransGas Customer Dialogue, a proxy with representatives from the producer, industrial end-user and gas marketer communities. After rate changes are discussed through Dialogue, they are provided to the Provincial Cabinet for approval.

In 2023-24, TransGas announced an average rate increase of 2.0 per cent for transportation and storage services, to come into effect on April 1, 2024. Rate changes are due to increased costs incurred by TransGas to meet increased customer demand and continue to provide high quality, safe and reliable service while focusing on system integrity and facility infrastructure. Employee Communications SaskEnergy regularly communicates with its workforce of more than 1,200 employees to provide prompt and accurate information. Communication focuses on initiatives and updates related to SaskEnergyʼs Corporate Plan. It aims to increase employee understanding of the delivery of essential energy to customers, increase knowledge of SaskEnergyʼs safety practices and environmental stewardship, and help employees to better engage in meaningful discussions about the natural gas industry with friends, family and acquaintances. Communication methods include company-wide email messages and corporate videos to keep employees up to date on major projects and initiatives. Through a corporate intranet site, employees have readily available information related to the Corporation, business units, projects and events. Employees can learn from and engage with the multiple articles that are published each week. SaskEnergy also relies on senior leaders, managers and supervisors to communicate face-to-face with employees in regular meetings and discussions.


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