Learn | Issue No.09

August 14th-25th GRS Training Center, Emporia KS

Apply to Grand Masters grs.com/grand-masters-program-23

Application Deadline: March 31st.

Application Requirements: 3 Photos of work examples with no signatures or marks indicating who you are. $1375 Deposit due upon submission Full course cost is $2750. In the event your application is accepted, the balance of $1375 is due. Confidentiality Statement: After the application deadline, all candidates’ photos will be reviewed and edited to remove any names or identifying marks. Candidates will be assigned a number known only to Glendo management. Photos will be sent to the course instructor who will select twelve (12) students based on the work shown in the photos. Three alternates will also be selected to cover possible cancellations. Applications are kept confidential to ensure selections are unbiased. Instructors do not have access to names until after the selection process. Acceptance Notification: Applicants will be notified of acceptance the week of April 17, 2023. Learn Issue No. 7 for tips on photographing your work.

Learn ISSUE NO.09



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