2023-24 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Management’s Discussion and Analysis

Strategic Scorecard Measures Natural gas plays a critical role in Saskatchewan’s energy and economic systems, and demand for it continues to grow. Safe, reliable and convenient service continue to be the hallmark of SaskEnergy’s natural gas delivery to the people, businesses and industries of Saskatchewan. These efforts are a critical part of core work and SaskEnergy has built a strong foundation to meet the increasing demand for energy in Saskatchewan. Recognizing its role in meeting Saskatchewan’s current and future needs, the ability to affordably provide energy is something that remains a focus for SaskEnergy. At the same time, there is a growing focus on decarbonization and a shift toward lower emitting energy sources. Moving forward, SaskEnergy will continue to meet the increasing energy needs of the province while focusing on financial stewardship, emissions reductions goals, and assisting customers with programs that lower their energy usage. SaskEnergy also recognizes that affordability continues to drive the demand for natural gas as the dominant energy source for Saskatchewan. These hallmarks are represented in our strategic imperatives, which are highlighted in the refreshed strategy that SaskEnergy introduced in late 2023-24. SaskEnergy’s strategy is anchored by the Crown Sector Strategic Priorities, which provide direction and outline the shareholder’s expectations to allow for the alignment of goals. SaskEnergy utilizes a Balanced Scorecard approach in organizing its strategic objectives and in measuring overall corporate performance. To support the achievement of its strategic imperatives, SaskEnergy has identified a mix of key objectives and outcomes among four quadrants — Organizational, Operational, Financial and Customer. To monitor success in each quadrant, a number of measures have been identified. Targets for each measure have been set to benchmark success in achieving SaskEnergy’s strategic goals. Efforts to bring forward the new strategy resulted in updates to a few of the success measures that are discussed in the following section.

The final scorecard, including metrics and targets for the five-year planning horizon, is presented to SaskEnergy’s Board of Directors as part of the annual Corporate Plan approval. The Crown Investments Corporation (CIC) Board reviews the plan and confirms alignment with the Crown Sector Strategic Priorities prior to its approval. Progress toward these targets is monitored and reported throughout the year, allowing management to take any corrective action to achieve the targets. The following discussion outlines the Corporation’s 2023-24 performance relative to its strategic scorecard targets for the 12 months ending March 31, 2024, which are further defined in the Glossary of Key Success Measures.


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