Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Safety Culture SaskEnergy is committed to personal safety, the safety of its people and the safety of the public. Success is achieved when a strong safety culture instills safe practices, and the individual and collective decisions of employees and contractors bear safety in mind. Hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation, and sharing learnings to promote awareness and continuous improvement, are safety priorities throughout the organization and demonstrate the Corporation’s commitment to worker and public safety. At the end of the 2023-24 fiscal year, SaskEnergy achieved a Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIF) of 1.7, meaning there were 1.7 recordable injuries for every 100 full-time employees. This is a slight decrease from the 2022-23 TRIF of 1.73 and is lower than the 2023-24 target of 1.8. The Injury Severity Rate at the end of 2023-24 was 29 against an annual target of 21. This is an increase from the 2022-23 injury severity rate of 28. This metric measures the severity of an injury based on the number of lost workdays. Two injuries resulted in extended medical absences accounting for 43 per cent of the lost time days in 2023-24. Both injuries were related to slips, trips and falls. In 2024-25, a new measure will be introduced to measure SaskEnergy’s safety culture. The Safety Index is an equal weighted measure of the Corporation’s performance across two leading and two lagging safety indicators. The outcome in each of the four measures is granted a weighting of 25 per cent and the sum of the weighted results determines the overall index score on a 100-point scale. As SaskEnergy’s work involves safety hazards, the Corporation shows its commitment to enhancing safety performance through key safety initiatives. Prioritizing opportunities and developing action plans to address items from the latest staff safety culture survey completed late in 2023-24 will be a priority initiative to drive improvement in the upcoming year.
Workforce Development SaskEnergy takes pride in its people, recognizing employees drive the success of the organization. With more than 1,200 employees across Saskatchewan, the Corporation’s goal is to provide a workplace that offers challenging opportunities for growth and provides a safe, inclusive and engaging environment where all ideas are valued, respected and welcomed. SaskEnergy was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers for 2023 and 2024. Employee Experience SaskEnergy is committed to the attraction, retention and engagement of employees. Employee experience is primarily dependent on a positive corporate culture, supportive managers/supervisors, trust in leadership and opportunities to perform meaningful work. SaskEnergy’s commitment to employee training and development prepares its workforce for the future, allows for stronger business outcomes, and enhances the ability to recruit and retain talented individuals. SaskEnergy conducts an employee engagement survey every second year, with the next survey planned for 2024-25. The survey gauges SaskEnergy’s employee perceptions of various workplace dimensions. Results are compared against data from other public sector companies in Canada. The last survey was conducted in March 2023 and the resulting action plans maintain a focus on the identified key drivers of employee engagement at SaskEnergy — Organizational Culture, Growth and Development, Senior Leadership, and Organizational Vision.
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