2023-24 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Management’s Discussion and Analysis

Safe, reliable and affordable service is paramount in sustaining customer value, including the ability for customers to meet their environmental goals. SaskEnergy’s focus on ease of service means meeting customers’ growing expectations and implementing collaborative solutions to make it easier to do business in Saskatchewan. SaskEnergy and TransGas conduct annual surveys to gather feedback on customer experience, expectations and overall satisfaction. SaskEnergy achieved a score of 86 per cent on its annual customer satisfaction survey, meeting its target. Key findings from the survey indicated the score was impacted by continued affordability challenges that are dampening general satisfaction, and softer scoring for innovation and flexibility. This survey validated current business plans highlighting the opportunity to increase awareness of SaskEnergy’s advantages and

programs, improve digital channels and act on strategies to build brand resilience. TransGas’ customer satisfaction result indicated 87 per cent of customers are satisfied with TransGas. The above-target results can be attributed to addressing customer feedback raised in the prior year’s survey, improvements in customer service, and improvements to the online MyTransGas business system. A new action plan has been created to continue acting on customer feedback. Key areas of focus to enhance service quality, provide good value for rates, and offer flexible service through innovative energy solutions include improving daily measurement information, improving self-serve tools to help customers manage their service, building internal resiliency to maintain consistent support during times of staff turnover, and boosting customer engagement.

Collaboration The Collaboration target is set by CIC and measures success achieved through joint initiatives and collaboration efforts. It is the aggregate of Crown corporations and participating Treasury Board Crowns, agencies and ministries, and not SaskEnergy specifically.

Collaboration Strategic Measures For the years ended March 31

2024 Actual

2024 Target

2025 Forecast

2026 Forecast

2027 Forecast

2028 Forecast

2029 Forecast

2023 Actual


Cost Savings ($ millions) Investment Attraction ($ billions)


$50.0 $50.0







Collaboration savings of $40.4 million were slightly lower than the target for the year ended March 31, 2024. SaskEnergy participated in a number of collaboration initiatives, including continuing to support previously identified opportunities in joint infrastructure installation and underground infrastructure locating services. The organization also contributed to the savings via new collaborations focused on the procurement of technology hardware and software that leveraged support from other participants.

Investment attraction collaboration results of $7.4 billion exceeded the target, most notably due to the efforts resulting in the Phase 2 expansion at BHP’s Jansen mine. SaskEnergy participates on several committees focused on attracting private sector capital investment projects into the province.


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