2023-24 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Corporate Profile

Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan

SaskEnergy Incorporated

Many Islands Pipe Lines (Canada) Limited

TransGas Limited

Bayhurst Gas Limited

Transmission and Storage

Natural Gas in Storage

Interprovincial Transmission

BG Storage Inc.

Storage Joint Arrangement

SaskEnergy Incorporated (SaskEnergy or the Corporation) is a Saskatchewan Crown corporation governed by The SaskEnergy Act . It is a designated subsidiary of Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan (CIC). CIC is also a Crown corporation and effectively operates as the Province’s holding company for commercial Crown corporations (such as SaskPower, SaskTel and SGI) and various commercial investments. SaskEnergy’s main business is the natural gas distribution utility. SaskEnergy operates the distribution utility, which distributes natural gas within the province of Saskatchewan. The Provincial Cabinet regulates SaskEnergy’s delivery service and commodity rates. All rate changes are subject to review by the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel, an independent body, prior to receiving Provincial Cabinet approval. SaskEnergy’s corporate structure includes three wholly owned subsidiaries and one indirect wholly owned operating subsidiary, as follows: TransGas Limited (TransGas) owns and operates the transmission utility and has the exclusive legislative franchise to transport natural gas within the province of Saskatchewan. It also owns and operates a natural gas storage business, which is integrated with the transmission gas line system. Bayhurst Gas Limited (Bayhurst) owns a natural gas storage facility in the northwestern area of Saskatchewan. BG Storage Inc. (BGSI) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bayhurst Gas Limited and owns a 50 per cent interest in a natural gas storage business, which is operated through a joint arrangement with Faro Energy Ventures Ltd. Many Islands Pipe Lines (Canada) Limited (MIPL) is a federally regulated transmission company that owns eight transmission gas line interconnections to Alberta, two into the United States, one into Manitoba, and one interconnect between the MIPL system and the federally regulated Foothills Saskatchewan system. MIPL is regulated by the Canada Energy Regulator.


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