2023-24 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Glossary of Key Success Measures

Organizational Safety Culture Measure Definition

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate

The Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate measures the number of recordable injuries per 100 employees and is equal to recordable injuries times 200,000, divided by hours worked. Based on Canadian Gas Association (CGA) data, the average in 2022 was 1.26. The long-term goal will place SaskEnergy in the top quartile of CGA companies. The Injury Severity Rate measures the number of lost worker days, due to injury, per 100 workers and is equal to the number of lost workdays times 200,000, divided by total hours worked. Based on CGA data, the average in 2022 was 8.67. There is a high degree of variability in the CGA data year over year, as one severe injury per employer can greatly impact the results. The long-term goal will place SaskEnergy in the top quartile of CGA companies. The Safety Index is an equal weighted measure of the organization’s performance across two leading safety indicators (Management Time in Field; Hazard, Near Miss, Observation Reporting) and two lagging safety indicators (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Report; Preventable Vehicle Collision Rate). The outcome in each of these four measures is granted a weighting of 25 per cent and the sum of the weighted results determines the overall index score on a 100-point scale. The calculated performance result for each individual component of the index is capped at 110 per cent of its target, with the exception of Hazard, Near Miss, Observation Reporting, which is capped at 100 per cent of target.

Injury Severity Rate

Safety Index (new measure beginning in 2024-25)

Organizational Workforce Development Measure Definition

Representative Workforce – Women in Management Roles

The number of women in management roles, including professionals, as a percentage of total management. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission’s recommended target for women in underrepresented roles is 47 per cent. The number of Indigenous employees as a percentage of total employees. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission’s recommended target is 14 per cent provincially. SaskEnergy also recognizes that this demographic is trending higher in the province. A comprehensive survey is conducted every two years and is planned again for 2024-25. The goal is to achieve a score at least equal to the Public Sector Average as measured by the survey provider. The internal hire rate, or percentage of job bids filled internally, is a measure of the number of job bids filled by existing in-scope and out-of-scope employees. This is a benchmark of mobility and career opportunity inside the organization.

Representative Workforce – Indigenous

Employee Experience

Vacancies Filled by Internal Applicants (new measure beginning in 2024-25)


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