2024 Toy Drive - Wishlist and FAQ

Thank you for participating in Children of Bellevue’s Annual Toy Drive! Instructions on how to use our Amazon Gift List are below:

1. Visit the 202 4 Children of Bellevue Wish List .

2. Click on the gift you would like to purchase and add to your cart.

a. Note that we list multiple quantities of the same toy/item. When viewing an item, it will show the quantity that is still needed.

3. Proceed to checkout by clicking the “Cart” button in the upper right-hand corner.

4. Select all items from the Children of Bellevue Wishlist by clicking the checkbox next to them. (Items from the Children of Bellevue wish list will say “For 2023 Children of Bellevue Wish List Gift List '' underneath the item name, as pictured below). Click “Proceed to checkout.”

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