Effective Networking
who are relatively more or less successful than you, depending on the caliber of the event, and you usually spend a fair amount of time explaining what you do well in your business and receiving input on things that you could improve. It’s a time to reflect and also to give, tactfully (or not, depending on the members). At the end of the day, though, you paid to be there so that you could get something, and most people who attend these things have a hard time forgetting that fact. As investors, we’re always looking to network to improve our net worth (have you heard that enough recently?) and sometimes our greater purpose can get lost, or at least temporarily obscured, by the “what can this room do for me?” mentality. Effective networking relies on combining the natural “me focus” with a wider “here’s what I offer” message that is defined, in large part, by your own brand and your place as you present yourself in the industry. In the case of the Think Realty Lead- ership Circle, for instance, we were there for so much more than just what we could do for each other. We were there for an agreed-upon, stated purpose of improving and bettering our real estate industry. That’s what Affinity Worldwide and Think Realty are all about: improv- ing the real estate industry while creat- ing a thriving business that supports not just our sector, but also the individuals and families who work for and with us every day. We were able to create huge benefits for each other by focusing on our greater goals. So how do you get to the point where you are building up a room when you network instead of just taking from it? The answer is simple: You define, clearly for yourself and others, what you have to offer. Whether you have just started investing in real estate this morning or you have been in the business for 20 years, there is a perception out there about you and, most likely, your business as well. Seizing hold of that perception and shaping it to meet your needs as an investor is the first step. Here are a few things to ask yourself about that perception which is, in fact, your brand:
1. What do people immediately say about me when I walk out of the room? 2. Who do I want to be talking about me when I walk out of the room? 3. What do people think I offer them in terms of a positive experience, business asset, or benefit? 4. What do I need people to think I offer in order for my business to be successful? These questions can be difficult ones, especially the first one. A lot of real estate investors respond to that question by simply saying, “I’m not that big a deal. No one is talking about me at all when I leave the room other than my in-laws, anyway.” First of all, that’s likely not the case, and second of all, if it is then you need to change that because you are definitely not making the most of the room if no one notices when you enter or leave! How we, as investors, communicate, is key to making the most of a room. When you speak, post on social media, blog, or video, your message is first absorbed by your audience and then perceived. What I mean is that people hear what you are saying, but then their perceptions of you color how they react. For example, if they have a negative view of flippers and you are a flipper, everything you say will be tinged with their mistrust of house flipping. That is something that you will have to get around in order to benefit them and to benefit from your asso- ciation with them. The best way to do that is to get very clear about what you offer so that the focus is now on mutual productivity rather than misconceptions and misperceptions. •
Affinity Worldwide president and coach, Eddie Wilson, introduces Think Realty's coaching team to a room full of investors.
Making the Most of the Strength in a Room
is bigger than just the people sitting in it, then you will have truly unlocked the potential for astronomical success in our industry. They key is really absorb- ing that perspective into your outlook and your networking behavior. Here is an example of what I mean: As the president of Affinity Worldwide, it was my job to welcome those folks to the Leadership Circle Meeting and give them an idea of what we would be doing over the next few days. If you’ve ever attended a mastermind or similar type of meeting, you know how these things usually work. You spend time with people
by Eddie Wilson
ecently, I had the distinct pleasure of hosting the Think Realty Leader- ship Circle meeting in my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. As I looked around at the roughly three dozen elite investors we had assembled in our conference room, I felt what some might describe as an in- ordinate amount of pride in the assembly R
itself. That room was something special, from the industry leaders to the strategic innovators to the aspirational philanthro- pists who set the bar for true leadership in business so very high. Let’s just say it was a very, very good room. “Okay, enough with the back-patting, Eddie,” you may be thinking right about
now. “We get it: You had an incredible meeting.” But here’s the thing: It was so much more than just a meeting, and that room was much, much bigger than the people sitting in those chairs. If you can really absorb into your daily professional routine, both within and outside of real estate, that every room
EddieWilson is president of Affinity Worldwide, Think Realty’s parent company, and a Think Realty coach. Learnmore from Eddie at https:/
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