The Juntos Program

story sharing from families, youth, volunteers, Juntos staff, 4-H educators, etc. (idea from Extension Foundation catalyst Chuck Hibberd)

B E S T P R A C T I C E S : WE B S I T E

Work with your marketing and communication team to support you with technical guidance for your Juntos website or page. In North Carolina, Juntos has a statewide website that includes some national programming information. We anticipate growing our national section in the coming years. If JavaScript and CSS files are hosted on your website, enable browser caching for them. (Enabling browser caching for JavaScript and CSS files allows browsers to store and reuse the files without users having to download them again when requesting your page. That way the browser will download less data, which will decrease your page load time. And the less time it takes to load your page, the happier your visitors will be.) Ensure that all of your web pages have meta descriptions that contain relevant keywords. A good description helps users know what your page is about and encourages them to click on it. If your page's meta description tag is missing, search engines will usually display its first sentence, which may be irrelevant and unappealing to users.

Improve your on-page content, and be sure to include more than 200 meaningful words.

Check any links you provide on the website to ensure they lead to the target web pages. Replace broken links with a links that works or add different resources.

Use short titles — 70 characters or less — for web pages.

Add more descriptive text inside your page's <title> tag.

Make sure that pages with important content can be reached in no more than three clicks from the homepage.

Check out Juntos NC online.


Link to the correct YouTube page on your website.

Link to other social media profiles on your website.

Under the “About” section on YouTube, link to all other social media profiles and Extension websites. Share your YouTube channel on other socials.

Promote your videos by sharing them on other social media profiles.


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