The Juntos Program

Parent surveys can be completed and submitted in paper form, online, or through a phone call with a bilingual Juntos-trained data collection coordinator.

Student survey and parent survey administration has been scheduled during programming or community events. A bilingual Juntos-trained data collection coordinator can support respondents by reading questions and prompts aloud. Who administers the evaluation data collection and who makes sense of the results matter. As illustrated above, trained bilingual data collection coordinators support parents and students in providing accurate and reliable feedback; these coordinators also inform the evaluation process. Juntos has found the following strategies valuable:

Annually, Juntos coordinators convene to learn about and discuss best practices in survey administration.

Annually, the national office collects Juntos coordinator feedback on the strengths and challenges of the survey administration process, item wording, and item relevance. Students, parents, program goals, and environments change, and we are committed to being responsive. A team including at least one bilingual member cleans, analyzes, and reports on the evaluation data. This is important to increase the accuracy and relevance of the interpretations of the data. Always thinking creatively and sustainably year-to-year, the bilingual evaluation team members have included a coordinator, a statistician, or evaluator whose native language is Spanish.

Part 7: Examples of Program Findings, Impact, & Related Research Findings Juntos is committed to disseminating what we learn for the benefit of others who aspire to this work. Our findings are contained through this guide and annual reports. (Click here for our 2019-20 results.) Annually, we produce an evaluation report used by our broader network to keep our partners informed of reach, benchmarks, successes, and opportunities to contribute to future growth. The quotes below represent the voices of the people who make the Juntos Program a success year after year.


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