San Diego Health - Fall 2021

“Philanthropy has paved the way to diversify our offerings and address health disparities, especially geographic access.” — MAR I N XAV I E R , MD , S CR I P P S MD ANDE R SON CANCE R CENT E R AND S CR I P P S C L I N I C

Marin Xavier, MD.

MD Anderson’s leading-edge cancer treatments and support services closer to home. Innovative treatments that will be oered in the comprehensive outpatient facility include a chemotherapy/immune therapy infusion suite and radiation therapy with TrueBeam linear accelerators. Marin Xavier, MD, a medical oncologist with Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center and Scripps Clinic, and chief of hematology and oncology, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego and Chula Vista campuses, knew Mr. Prebys before his passing in 2016. She explains that the philanthropist’s major gi furthers the Scripps MD Anderson mission and Mr. Prebys’ legacy to provide exceptional cancer care to as many San Diegans as possible. “is is all possible because of his generosity,” she says. “e gi aligned perfectly with our MD Anderson partnership and really solidied this wonderful partnership and Scripps Health’s eorts to dramatically increase the region’s access to cancer care.” “San Diego has always been a mecca for cancer care,” Dr. Xavier continues, “and Scripps has always had an excellent reputation for cancer research and treatment. But what we have not had yet is a comprehensive presence in the central and southern regions of San Diego. at’s what the Prebys Cancer Center brings into the picture. We have a huge cancer patient population in south, central and east San Diego, as well as in Imperial County and northern Baja California, Mexico, but there was really an unmet need in terms of cancer care for these patients. We recognize that when someone needs radiation therapy, going from Chula Vista, for example, to La Jolla is neither convenient nor patient centered. Having a state-of-the-art facility that’s within 10 miles of their home, instead of 30 miles, is important. We haven’t had that before, and now, with the addition of the Prebys Cancer Center to the Scripps Mercy Hospital campus, we will. We will be doubling our capacity and our ability to treat a wide net of patient populations, which is our goal in the community. Philanthropy has paved the way to diversify our oerings and address health

the newly renovated Woltman Family College Building. Made possible by generous gis from the Woltman family, the building will house a wide variety of patient support services that are critical during the patient journey, from cancer diagnosis through treatment, recovery and well into survivorship. “Philanthropic support has also allowed us to grow our patient support services, which tru- ly complement the clinical environment,” Dr. Buchholz explains. “Patients need multiple services during cancer care, from genetic counselors and lymphedema specialists to social workers, support groups, clinical dietitians and others. We are working with MD Anderson to develop wellness and ongoing care pathways and protocols to get people back into wellness and ensure they are monitored closely aer their cancer treatment.” Karen Jensen, assistant vice president, Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, adds that the mul- titude of programs and services in the Woltman Family College Building allow for an expanded, more holistic approach to caring for our patients and their family members. All exemplify the depth and breadth of the Scripps MD Anderson multi- disciplinary approach to cancer care. “Some of the services that will be in the new building will include a cancer welcome center, a resource library, a wig bank and prosthetic center, pastoral counseling and an oratory room, a conference room to accommodate patient and family support groups, mindfulness and meditation, nutritional classes and yoga classes. ese will be wonderful additions to complement the direct patient care oered at Prebys Cancer Center,” Jensen says. “As we launch some of these programs, we’ve been able to reach out to our colleagues at MD Anderson in Houston to learn from their expertise. is has given us the traction to utilize those philanthropic gis in a most meaningful way that truly supports our patient environment. What this does is recognize that the cancer journey is so much more than clinical diagnosis and treatment. It’s also working together with specialists of dierent skill sets to supplement physicians with complementary services that take care of patients’ nancial, emotional, spiritual, and practical needs, so they can focus on getting better.”

Scripps Health partnered with MD Anderson Cancer Center to form Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center. rough this partnership, Scripps MD Anderson is part of MD Anderson Cancer Network®, a global collaborative network of hospitals and health care systems dedicated to MD Anderson's mission to end cancer. anks to generous philanthropic gis, Scripps MD Anderson is expanding, opening new facilities, implementing some of the most advanced technology, launching new programs and services, hiring highly skilled specialists and compassionate nurse navigators, providing access to leading-edge clinical trials and creating new pathways for cancer survivorship. All because of generous donors dedicated to the lifesaving mission of Scripps MD Anderson. “We have been excited and proud to see how the San Diego community has responded to the joint partnership between Scripps Health and MD Anderson,” says omas Buchholz, MD, medical director, Scripps MD Anderson. “We’ve seen a signicant increase in the volume of patients who have come in to receive radiation therapy and chemotherapy, and we think this partly reects their ability to be seen by an interdisciplinary team of specialists in a single visit, thanks to the care coordination of a compassionate nurse navigator. Now, thanks to the generosity of philanthropy, we are also able to experience geographic growth, which allows us to provide services to people close to their home. From our locations in the north, including a new clinic at Scripps Medical Center, Jeerson, in Oceanside, to the opening of the innovative Prebys Cancer Center on the campus of Scripps Mercy Hospital, serving central and southern San Diego, we are bringing some of the most advanced cancer care to our patients e $59 million state-of-the-art cancer center was made possible by late philanthropist Conrad Prebys, a longtime Scripps supporter, who in 2016 pledged a $20 million gi to name the center and a $5 million gi for an endowed medical director position at Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center. When the Prebys Cancer Center ocially opens its doors in September 2021, patients in central and south San Diego will have access to Scripps throughout Southern California.” PREBYS CANCER CENTER

disparities, especially geographic access.” WOLTMAN FAMILY COLLEGE BUILDING

Along with the Prebys Cancer Center is another addition to the Scripps Mercy Hospital campus:


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