the rich young man who thought that he had kept the whole law and went away sorrowful. Matt. 19:16-22.
recognize his sins; he was self-satisfied and boastful, and went away without being justified. Last, use the case of
Notes By The Way
"The Wise Man's Eyes Are in His Head."
Ecc. 2:14
justified in His sight." "I am the way, t h e t r u t h, and the life." "Then shall He say unto them depart f r om me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and His angels." In fact, to quote all examples would be to quote the whole. Believers must be dogmatic, for uncertainty is unbelief. If the Bible is dogmatic we must and will assert it as positively. CARDINAL A letter of Cardinal OBSERVATIONS...Gibbons is quoted in the press as follows: "I fear t h at we are all forced to ad- mit that, in a certain sense, there is a decline of religious faith in this country, for we see evidences of it on all sides. There is nothing so sacred as not to be denied by some one. In regard to mat- ters of religion, we see in an ever-in- creasing degree a great deal of indiffer- entism. Wh at are the causes of this? I feel t h at it is largely due to the want of respect for the Sacred Scriptures, to worldliness, to rationalism, or the re- jection of the principle of authority, to the inordinate love of wealth, pleasure, and honors, and lastly to our system of education, according to which the edu- cation of the school must be independ- ent of religion. These, and others too numerous to mention, are, to my mind, the causes of such religious indifferen- tism in this country." We wish the Cardinal were in as close agreement with us in all points as in these. But he and his fellow prelates are largely responsible for the condi- tions. Were it not for the opposition of the Roman hierarchy the public schools would not be the godless schools that they are. The moral principles of the Bible, and the sanctions of t h at holy book should have been faithfully in- culcated, and the fear, if not the love of God, have stayed the course of evil. Besides, to the influx of European Cath- olics we owe the worst elements of our restless and lawless populations. Let these cardinals restore the apostolic gos- pel and practice, and give the Word of God into the ears, hands, and minds of their people, and they will be as pow- e r f ul to correct • as they have been to corrupt.
WI SE Lord Bacon, than whom no WORDS, greater intellect has arisen said "A little philosophy in- clineth a man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth a man's mind about to (the Christian) religion." IMPER IAL On the apostasy of certain TESTIMONY. German clergymen Em- peror William recently said, "Sad as it is that a minister should be deposed because of a lapse -into here- sy, there is nothing tragic in it as con- cerns the Church. Such cases have been in the past and will be again. The best antidote is to dig deeper into the Scrip- tures, and to cleave to the Person of Jesus Christ, the Saviour, in t r u s t f ul love." Those who t a ke this pleasant medicine will not faint by the way. TO THE MOLES At the C h i c a g o AND BATS W o r 1 d's Exposition figures representing the horrible tortures of the Chinese hell were on exhibition. Anything mlorta horrible the most cruel imagination could not devise. At Canton is The Tem- ple of Horrors in which these scene» were depicted to strike terror into the pagan conscience. A company of revo- lutionists fell suddenly on the four hun- dred gods of this joss house, and in thirty minutes beheaded them all, as Jehu slaughtered the four hundred of Baal. No citizen or worshipper inter- fered. We are reminded of the de- struction of the Serapeon at Alexandria, t he idols fell, and still the world stands; and the Word is fulfilled which said "They shall cast the idols to the moles, amd to the bats." Whatever the New China may do it will not serve its old gods. A BOOK The New Testament is DOGMATIC, dogmatic. For this rea- son the world hates it. Nothing could be more dogmatic than such statements as "Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved." "Veri- ly, verily, I say unto you except a man he born again he cannot see the King- dom of God."- "If ye believe not that I am He ye shall die in your sins:" "By the doeds of the law shall no man be
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