King's Business - 1912-06


riiàtter how lowly or menial it may be. The child's feeling is friendly to all classes, to servants as well as to lords; to ill dressed as well as to well dressed. Children are usually democratic. They wish to be helpful, obedient, and they trust what is told them. It is* evident from the weekly read- ings that the idea of service is the one to be emphasized in this lesson. To be a servant, or slave of the Lord Jesus is to be great, a'iid the greatest disciple is the most helpful one, and is like Christ. (Mat. 23:11, 12). Think out practical applications for children. The little things they can do for Jesus at home, at play, at school, to be, and to show that they are, the servants of Christ. He was willing to do small things, and disa- grèeable things too, for the comfort of others (see Jno. 13:13-16). We should think nothing too .little or dis- agreeable to do for Him. "In as much as ye have done it to the least of these, ye have done it unto Me." (Mat. 25:40). DANGERS OF STRONG DRINK. J u ñ é 24. Isa. 38: 7, See Proverbs 24:29-35. Strong drink makes .poverty, disease, woe, sorrow, contentions, wounds, criiries, death not only in this world but in the next too. It brings all these on the drinker and he drags others into these miseries, and down to ruin with himself. In Geary, Indiana, in the emigrant district, there are 10,000 people, with o.nly twó little chapels, but with 186 saloons and these open day and night. What sort of people are the poor chil- Remember Dr. Torrey will answer your puzzling questions. Send them in. We mislaid a note with, three or four inquiries. Will the writer please repeat them? Mr. George W. Hunter has been much blessed in his ministry in the North. He held services in April at Bowles and Oleander. In both places he had good audiences for night and afternoon ser- vices. Much interest was manifested in the Bible study. There were a num- ber of conversions and ten persons took the Scofield Course and will become permanent students "of the Word.

dren of that district to become, will they grow into good .citizens and Chris- tians? How many saloons are there in your town? And where besides in saloons do people drink? At home,' at club houses, a i d in hotels. What do the children learn at school auout the physical effects of alcohol? What of the loss of will power? "I will seek it yet again" (Prov. 24:35) the drunkard says, for all his wretched- ness. An Un f o r g i v i ng Man July 1. Mat. 18:23-33, The "Consecration" Meeting. What is the relation between conse- cration and forgiveness? None can be fully consecrated to the Lord who in- dulges an unforgiving spirit (Mk. 11 : 25 ); i The two great commandments are love to God and love to man

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