King's Business - 1912-06


1 There have been many calls for the services of Dr. Torrey and Mr. Hun- ter and God is graciously using them in t h e churches of thé city and surround- ing towns. Brother Hunter has been called for a County-wide work in Humboldt County among the Endeavorers and we antici- pate a great harvest as the result of this campaign. It is a source of constant surprise to people who have not been in touch with the work to learn of its breadth, and of the blessing which rests upon every department. The Anniversary Number of t he King's Business has had favorable men- tion and commendation from many sources. One lady sent us $10:00 and a gentleman five dollars to pay for the distribution of the magazine among Christian people. We want to increase the circulation of the King's Business. Many Mission- aries at home and abroad would gladly welcome it as a monthly visitor. Do you want to aid in this work? Send us the names of persons to whom we can send sample copies. . Mr. Chester White is representing the Scofleld Course among the young people and is succeeding in placing a- good many. This work is of great import- ance. We feel confident that no more important work is being done. Every person who pursues this course of study will obtain a good working knowledge of the Bible. THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY The monfEly meetings of the Women's Auxiliary are among the most enjoyable of our Institute gatherings. Under the able leadership of Mrs. A. G. Wells this "Helping hand" is being led into a con- dition of prayerful usefulness. These ladies will be a strong factor in our plans for, and furnishing of, our new buildings. We are very fortunate in being able to secure as assistant to the Super- intendent, Mr. Phil Welles, ex-State President of the Christian Endeavor, and for many years one of the leading workers in the State work. Mr. Welles has had a large and varied business ex- perience, is greatly beloved by a large host of young people, throughout the State. He will find wide scope for his

talents in the ever-increasing opportu- nities afforded in the Institute work, and we hail him heartily as our co-laborer. THE LYCEUM CLUB. The Lyceum""Club is increasing in its own sphere of usefulness and its in- fluence is reaching on into the next towns. The mother of the Club, Mrs. Horton, has frequent calls to talk on "girls," a subject most dear to her heart A recent visit to Ontario and to Pasadena was fruitful in arousing moth- ers to a realization of their responsi- bilities and to their privileges in reach- ing the many girls who are away from home This cannot be too strongly urged. It is a preventive work. IN THE OIL FIELDS. The work of giving the gospel to the neglected men in the Oil Fields goes graciously on. A recent letter from Mr. Sloan says, "We are having rather remarkable meetings here. We are in a Catholic settlement, but there is no Catholic Church. Everybody is coming to the meetings, 35 have de- cided for Christ, so far. We had a hard time getting here, broke a wagon tongue and got our services located in a "blind pig" joint, but everything is now straightened out. The Auditorium meetings are prov- ing a great blessing to hundreds of peo- ple. Dr. Torrey has been preaching some wonderful sermons and there has been marked conviction at every ser- vice. It is difficult in the Auditorium to conserve the results of such meet- ings as there is no place for an after- meeting, but many have been dealt with by the personal workers and testi- monies have come from many quarters attesting the value of the services. The meetings closed the last Sunday in May. The last three sermons were upon the theme of the Lord's Return, awakening great interest and drawing large crowds. The State Endeavor Convention will be held in Fresno, California, June 30- July 4th. The prospects are encourag- ing for the greatest gathering of young people ever held in the State. The pro- gram will include addresses from some of the strong evangelical men of the State and the Bible studies will be con- ducted by Dr. R. A. Torrey, Rev. J. R. Pratt, W. L. Tucker and H. O. Breeden. The presence of these men is the as- surance that the spiritual interests of the young people has been prayerfully



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