Mr, Mullen spent a few days in Bak-v ersfield and did some good work on the street. He has a call from that plaeé for a portion -of his time for open air work. * • The Spanish Mission is settled in its new home, and the work is going on blessedly. Mr. Jamison has commenced an Institute Class in the Mission for Spanish men. Six have been enrolled, and classes will be conducted three af- ternoons of each week. The course will be along the practical lines in prepara- tion for Christian work. There will be an increasing demand for trained work- ers among the Mexican people, and we trust that our Mission will be used to fit them for the service. That God is "true to His Word, the fol- lowing testimony will show: After ac- cepting Christ at the age of thirteen, I confessed Him to my friends, to my Smother and in public, but never to my mother's people. My conversion having sadly grieved my mother, I thought to spare her the persecution and reproach of relatives which would follow their knowing that her daughter was apostate to the Jewish faith. Since then, God has shown me my great mistake in not witnessing for Christ to them and trusting God to take care of my mother. Since the death of my grandfather, about a year ago, there has been a strong feeling of condemna- tion for my unfaithfulness and a long- ing to witness to my people. I thought that if God would only make it possible I would consider it the greatest privilège tô tell them the story of Jesus my Lord, who has grown more and more precious to me. Just as God who created t he longing in the heart of the Ethiopian prepared and sent the Evangelist Philip to show him the way of life, so our Heavenly Father was beginning to work in the hearts of my people and was at the same time preparing me to be a witness to them. Returning home from my work one day it was both a surprise and pleasure to find three of my mother's cousins! They had come to California for recreation, but God had surely brought them that they might hear the true story of Jesus. One of them had a real hunger in her heart after right- eousness, and when shown the way of life, gladly accepted the Christ as her Messiah. ' Let us hope that this is but t h e first fruits of a family harvest.
r ' One very blessed Incident which: oc- curred-during the meetings is as follows - : - On a certain night after the meeting there were about four young fellows who hung around the door of the church. Evangelist Barrett approached one of them and urged him to take Christ for his Savior before leaving the church; he seemed to pass it off lightly, and the other boys began to laugh at him and in a sneering way say: "Aw go on, do it!" etc., etc. He finally became more serious and finally turning to two of his companions who were laughing at him, he said: "Well, I'm npt âfr%id to!" Then immediately gave Mr. Barrett his hand in acceptance of Christ as his Savior. His decision resulted in the two other boys immediately making their decision for the Lord, and better still, the next night they brought three other fellows who, because of their testimony, ac- cepted Christ for their Savior. The Gospel Hall, The efficient sTreet work of Mr. Mul-J len has resulted in our opening a hall on Los Angeles street where the work can be conserved in the' best manner. This result has been'the logical outcome of persistent and faithful street meet- ings for the preceding six months. Scores of men have been reached and the whole condition on the street so radically changed that the amount needed for the opening of the room and carrying on the work was quickly se- cured, .One young man subscribed six hundred dollars, another man an ^qual amount toward the rent. The room is admirably located for the work. We pan hold our meetings in front of the building and invite the men indoors at the close. The hall will be set apart for men only. Many of the men who congregate in that neighborhood, being without work, do not feel properly clothed for some of the Missions, but they will be at home in the hall. We shall have ample room for our meetings and for the dining room Bible Class. We expect to lay great stress upon the Bible teaching and to band some men together for definite soul-saving work. We greatly rejoice in this opportunity to minister to -men and to show them t h at we love them and are anxious for their salvation and prosperity. This personal touch with men who are consciously needy, helps greatly in keeping our hearts in true loving sym- pathy with the heart of the Christ who will have all men to be saved and who c ame to seek and save the lost.
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