COMT EXAM SUCCESS LOOK WHO PASSED THE TEST! Congratulations to Mark Andersen-Nissen, Joshua Orton, Kelsy Rayl, and Dan Stoot for becoming Certified Orthopedic Manipulative Therapists (COMT)! This certification emphasizes clinical decision-making, advancedorthopedicclinicalpractice,advanced assessment and treatment techniques, and effective treatment progression.
WELLNESS & FITNESS PROGRAMS PTIS offers the following programs to help you reach your optimal level of wellness and fitness:
TAI CHI CLASS We will offer a 6-week Tai Chi Class starting Jan 6th at 11am at our Pearl clinic. Class continues Mondays, Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, and 10 at $75 for the session. Please call (303) 757-1554 to reserve a spot. We need 5 people committed to hold the class. Tai Chi is a gentle and slow-moving exercise that promotes health and mental relaxation. The rhythmic movements of the muscle, spine and joints pump energy throughout the whole body. 72 residents. Here is the photo of our team prior to delivering all the gifts on December 12 th .Thankyou forhelpingusbringhappiness to some folks for the holiday season!
• Sports Fitness • Annual PT Checkup • Functional
• Massage • Pilates • Tai Chi • TRX Training • Balance Classes
Fitness Program
Call today to learn how one of these programs can change your life.
HELPING NEIGHBORS Thanks to everyone who helped us supply PearlStreetHealthandRehabilitationCenter (PSHRC)withsocks/slippersandblankets for
“ You know you are getting older when your back goes out more than you do.”
Thank you to all of our patients and staff. We appreciate you!
Follow us on Instagram for more fun updates! Visit
Make an Appointment Today to Start Living Your Life Again, Pain-Free! GET YOUR LIFE BACK WITH PTIS
STAFF SPOTLIGHT: KELSY RAYL PT,DPT,COMT Kelsy received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Kansasin2017. ShewasbornandraisedinManhattan,Kansas,butmoved toColoradofollowinggraduation. Kelsy’sfirstexperiencewithphysicaltherapywasinhighschoolfollowing severalinjurieswhileplayingcompetitivesoccer.SheunderwenttwoACL repairsandmonthsofphysicaltherapyasaresult. Kelsywasastounded
P: (303) 757-1554 F: (303) 757-3104
by her physical therapist’s ability to help her reach her goals and ultimately return to the game she loved. Sincebecomingaphysicaltherapist,Kelsyhasbeenabletoprovidethatsamelevelofcareforher patients,continuallystrivingtogetthembacktothecoreactivitiesthatmakethemfeellikethemselves. Shehasspecial interests inorthopedicmanualtherapy,concussioncare,andvestibularrehabilitation and looksforeveryopportunitytogrowasaclinicianandprofessional. HavingmadeyearlyfamilyvacationstoColoradogrowingup,Kelsy isexcitedtobeaColoradoresident andenjoytheoutdooractivitiesyearround. Inherfreetime,sheoptsfortakinginthebeautifulColorado scenerywhilecycling,hiking,skiing,snowboarding,andpaddleboarding. Whennotoutside,sheenjoys reading,sewing,playingwithhertwocats,andspendingtimewithfamily.
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