
18A — August 30 - September 12, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


"UUFOEUIF"OOVBM.FFUJOH.FNCFS/FUXPSLJOH-VODIFPO September 11, 2013 (WED) (Annual Meeting rescheduled from May, 2013) Clarion Hotel-The Belle, 1612 N. Dupont Hwy.,New Castle, DE 19720

Delaware Economic Development W e are pleased that the Honorable Alan B. Levin has agreed to speak to CIRC membership at PVSOFYU-VODI.FFUJOHPO4FQUFNCFS /PUPOMZ EPFT.S-FWJO TFSWFBTB4UBUFPG%FMBXBSF$BCJOFU 4FDSFUBSZBOEBT%JSFDUPSPGUIF%FMBXBSF&DPOPNJD Development Office, but he also serves as President of the Port of Wilmington, which has been in the OFXTMBUFMZ D VF UP B QPTUQPOFNFOU GSPN PVS .BZ NFFU- ing, this meeting will constitute our Annual .FFUJOH BOE UIF OPNJOBUJOH DPNNJUUFF XJMM QSFT- ent the new members of the board and officers for election. A meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at 10:30 a.m. on September 11, prior to the Annual .FFUJOHBOE.FNCFSTIJQ-VODIFPO C ontinuing Education class will be offered at 1:30 p.m on September 11...please register in advance to secure a seat. The class will be the new Delaware $PNNFSDJBM -JFO -BXTPNFUIJOH FWFSZ %FMBXBSF Broker should be interested in learning more about! REGISTER ONLINE: LUNCHEON: www.circdelaware.org/meetings/nextMeeting.cfm CONTINUING EDUCATION: www.circdelaware.org/education/schedule.cfm

HON. ALAN B. LEVIN CABINET SECRETARY, DELAWARE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE In December 2008, Alan Levin was nominated by then Delaware Governor-Elect Jack Markell to serve as the Director of the Delaware Economic Development Office where he now serves as a Secretary in Governor Markell's cabinet. In this role, Mr. Levin is responsible for the business and economic strategies for the State of Delaware, focusing, among other areas, in the technology, life science, and venture capital business sectors. Previously, Mr. Levin served as President and CEO of Happy Harry's, the tenth largest drugstore chain in the United States, until it was acquired by the Walgreen Company in July 2006. During his tenure, he grew revenues tenfold to nearly half a billion dollars, 76 locations and 2,700 employees. With stores in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Happy Harry's became one of the area's largest employers. After the sale to Walgreen's, Mr. Levin became the Founding Partner of Innovation Capital Partners, a later-stage growth equity venture capital firm. Mr. Levin led a distinguished career at Happy Harry's, and within the industry, resulting in his being a recipient of the 2006 Ronald L. Ziegler Lifetime Achievement Award and being named Retailer of the Year 1999 by the trade publication Chain Drug Review. Mr. Levin is also the recipient of the Delaware Distinguished Service Medal from Delaware's Adjutant General for his work to assist the families of the National Guard and Reserve who were called to active duty during Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. Before assuming his responsibilities with the state, he was an active member of the region's entrepreneurial community and had co-invested with Innovation Ventures in such companies as Centice Corporation, where he served as a member of the board, and Skill Survey. He also served on the Board of Directors of A. Duie Pyle and McNeill Designs for Brighter Minds. Mr. Levin is a graduate of Tulane University and the Delaware Law School of Widener University. A member of the Delaware Bar, he served in the Delaware Department of Justice as a Deputy Attorney General and as Executive Assistant and Counsel to U.S. Senator William V. Roth, Jr. Mr. Levin is involved in numerous civic and corporate activities throughout the U.S. Most notably, in 2001, he completed a term as Chairman of the National Association of Chain Drug stores, a Washington, D.C.- based organization which directs lobbying and professional activities for the industry. Mr. Levin is a past member of the Board of Directors of the United States Chamber of Commerce, a former Chairman of the Board of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the boards of Wesley College and the American Red Cross of Delmarva. He serves as an advisory board member of the Delaware State University School of Business and the University of Delaware's Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Real Estate Continuing Education...”It’s the Law :” Delaware’s NEW Commercial Broker’s Lein Law September 11, 2013 t/FYU.FNCFS-VODIBNtQN$MBTT D elaware is now among the states in our region - Pennsylvania and

T ake a look at our other con- tinuing education classes scheduled for: O ctober 9, 2013, J anuary 8, 2014, and M arch 12, 2014 - All on Wednesdays (8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.) at the Clarion Hotel - The Belle in New Castle.

continuing education OR NOT! C redits: DE (Mod. 6 pending ) 3.0; PA (Elec./Hot Buttons) 3.5; MD 3.0 (Comm. Lien Elec. 1.5) Cost: $35/mem.; $45/Non-mem. REGISTER for this and other classes at: www.circdelaware.org

Maryland - to offer a commercial bro- ker lien law to help protect your com- missions. This course will be taught by Andrew Taylor, Esq. who was instrumental in writing Delaware’s new commercial broker lien law. Every broker and agent doing business in Delaware should take this course... whether you need the certificate for

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