
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Shopping Centers — August 30 - September 12, 2013 — 11C S hopping C enterS


Commercial Real Estate

Great Retail & Commercial Sites in SE Pennsylvania

N Park Road, Wyomissing, PA

Leepsort Plaza, Leesport, PA

   

1+ acre site in the heart of high net worth area of Greater Reading, PA Perfect for Bank, Credit Union, Drive thru

7,995 SF available divisible to 3,500 SF

Large open floor plan

 

Close proximity to Route 222 and I-78

Build to suit, ground lease

Offered for LEASE

Allentown Pike, Temple, PA

Perkiomen Ave., Reading, PA

 

6.41 acre retail commercial land

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2.78 acres - HC Zoning

Strategically located between Walmart & Sam’s Club

Proposed concept plan for a 24,000 SF building

Offered for SALE

Offered for SALE or LEASE

Deer Lake Plaza, Schuylkill County, PA

Exeter Twp, Reading, PA

   

   

Fully approved

4.25 acre ready for redevelopment Located @ major intersection

Retail/Office pad sites

Fronts 108 approved single family homes Build to suit, Ground LEASE, or SALE

Perfect for hotel/retail

Offered for SALE

Commercial Real Estate

M U L T I P L E D E V E L O P M E N T O P P O R T U N I T Y ! 1 0 0 A C R E S P R I M E L A N D W I T H H I G H T R A F F I C C O U N T S

• 100.36 acres of mi xed use l and; 63.14 acres of commerc i a l and 37.22 acres of res i dent i a l • 1,200 f eet of f rontage on Route 443 • Mi nutes f rom PA Turnp i ke 476, Routes 209 and 248


For more information, please contact:

Frank T. Smith, CCIM, CPM 610 871 1682 fsmith@naisummit.com

• S a l e s / L e a s i n g •

I n v e s t m e n t S a l e s •

P r o p e r t y & A s s e t M g m t •

B u i l d i n g S e r v i c e s •

P r o j e c t M g m t •

C o r p o r a t e S e r v i c e s

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