Shawati Magazine Issue 63

63 شواطئ

Shawati’ 63



Steven Spielberg, Brian De Palma, Michael Cimino and Woody Allen. He is best known for his work on the films Close Encounters of the Third Kind and the Deer Hunter. What work are you proudest of? The Royal Opera House in Muscat, Oman was an amazing project. For photos of the interiors we used more than 50 lights and strobes just to be able to light the space. There was another incredible project which I did in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the Ministry of Sports, for which I used military helicopters to take images of the stadiums. I also loved working on a project with Shawati’ for the VIP book of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. We used a paramotor, the harness and propulsive portion of a powered paraglider, to take the aerial images of the mosque when drones were not yet available. Filming with sharks at private islands and hotels for the luxury hospitality brand Anantara in the Maldives was another highlight. What are your plans, ambitions, or dreams for the future? I am working on my own book which includes my body of work spanning the last 20 years. It is finally complete and will probably come out at the end of the year. I cannot give too many details about it now, but I would love to introduce it when it is published and to talk more about it. I am also working on a personal documentary project in 10 different countries, of which I have covered five so far. When it is complete, I would love to showcase it too in a book and an exhibition. .

Every time I visit Colombo, I go to the Fat Crab restaurant to taste the amazing chilli crab dish prepared with mud crabs. In the future, I would love to photograph more contemporary Chinese architecture. So far, I have been to Beijing, Nanjing, and Shanghai, but I hope to travel more extensively throughout China in the future, to document all their modern architecture. The country has emerged as the world’s largest construction market in the last decade, and as a result, many notable modern projects have been built. Are there photographers or other creative people who continue to inspire you now? Firstly, the photographer Andre Kertesz, who employs innovative techniques such as unconventional angles, reflections, and the use of natural light to create evocative and poetic compositions. His photographs often emphasise the geometry and graphic elements found in everyday scenes, elevating them to works of art, the art of the moment always dictates his work too. Secondly, the architectural photographer Balthazar Korab, whose work emphasises the relationship between architecture and its environment. He skillfully composes his photographs, highlighting the geometric forms, lines and textures of buildings as well as capturing the interplay of light and shadow. Finally, the cinematographer Vilmos Szigmond. Known for creating dramatic, story-propelling images in muted colours and natural light, over his career he became associated with many leading American directors, such as Robert Altman,

The Chedi Hotel Qatara, Doha, Qatar. © Victor Romero.

Etihad Museum, Dubai, UAE. © Victor Romero.

National Museum of Qatar, Doha, Qatar. © Victor Romero.

Louvre Museum, Abu Dhabi, UAE. © Victor Romero.

وأخيراً، المصور السـينمائي فيلموس زيغموند الذي اشـتهر بإبداع صـور دراميـة تحـرّك القصص بألـوان هادئة وضوء طبيعي. ارتبط خــالل مســيرته المهنيــة بالعديــد مــن المخرجيــن األمريكييــن البارزيـن، مثـل روبـرت ألتمـان وسـتيفن سـبيلبرغ وبريـان دي بالمـا ومايـكل سـيمينو وودي آلـن. اشـتهر بعملـه فـي فيلمـي “مواجهـات قريبـة مـن النـوع ” و“صائـد الغـزالن”. وما العمل الذي تفخر به؟ كانـت دار األوبـرا السـلطانية فـي مسـقط بسـلطنة عُمـان مشـروعا 50 رائعـاً. فـي تصويـر الديكـورات الداخليـة اسـتخدمنا أكثـر مـن مصباحــا ووامضــا فقــط إلضــاءة المــكان. عملــت علــى مشــروع مدهـش آخـر فـي باكـو بأذربيجـان لصالـح وزارة الرياضـة، حيـث اســتخدمت مروحيــات عســكرية اللتقــاط صــور المالعــب. أحببــت أيضــا العمــل فــي مشــروع مــع “شــواطئ” لكتــاب فاخــر عــن مســجد الشــيخ زايــد الكبيــر فــي أبوظبــي. اســتخدمنا الباراماوتــور، وهــو عبــارة عــن حــزام وجــزء مســيّر مــن طائــرة شـراعية مـزودة بمحـرك، اللتقـاط صـور جويـة للمسـجد، فـي زمـن لـم تكـن فيـه الطائـرات المسـيرة مـن دون طيـار متاحـة بعـد. كمـا كان تصويـر أسـماك القـرش فـي الجـزر الخاصـة والفنـادق لصالـح عالمة الضيافة الفاخرة “أناناترا” في جزر المالديف، من تجاربي المحببــة األخــرى. ما هي خططك وطموحاتك وأحالمك للمستقبل؟ أعمــل علــى كتابــي الخــاص الــذي يتضمّــن مجموعــة مــن أعمالــي علـى مـدار العشـرين عامـا الماضيـة. لقـد اكتمـل أخيـراً، وسـيصدر علـى األرجـح نهايـة العـام. ال يمكننـي إعطـاء الكثيـر مـن التفاصيل حــول هــذا الموضــوع اآلن، لكنــي أرغــب فــي تقديمــه عنــد نشــره والتحـدث عنـه أكثـر. وأعمـل أيضـا علـى مشـروع وثائقي شـخصي دول مختلفـة، غطيـت منهـا خمـس دول حتـى اآلن. وعنـد 10 فـي . االنتهـاء، أود أن أعرضـه أيضـا فـي كتـاب ومعـرض.

Prada building Omotesando, Tokyo, Japan. © Victor Romero.

The Chedi Hotel Muscut, Oman. © Victor Romero.

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