Shawati Magazine Issue 63

63 شواطئ

Shawati’ 63



Serge Laurent Van Cleef & Arpels’ Director of Dance and Culture Program said: Education is one of the values on which we base our actions. We support many institutions around the world for the presentation of dance performances but also for educational programmes that allow people to understand and discover the discipline. Each performance is always accompanied by a meeting with the public. Each time, we try to give keys to better approach these contemporary proposals. We also wish to propose workshops with the local choreographic scene in order to engage a dialogue between artists and to stimulate creation,” he said. On a smaller level, individual artists have worked with brands on themed merchandise such as Dubai-based calligraphy artist Wissam Shawkat who was commissioned by luxury perfume brand Jo Malone to design the packaging for limited edition Jo Malone packaging for Ramadan and Eid gifts in 2017. In 2021, Lebanese illustrator Nourie Flayhan created a series of drawings to celebrate women for Eid Al Fitr with US label Carolina Herrera. From world-famous collaborations to regional- specific activations, luxury fashion and art have been aligned for many decades and as the world gets more connected and art plays a more vital role in connecting communities, it is certain that this pathway will continue to thrive. .

in the world of film. The awards and initiatives promoted by Bulgari mainly focus on young talents and women, nurturing a culture of diversity and inclusivity. CEO of Bulgari Jean- Christophe Babin said: “Young artists are innately inclined to evolve and embrace the changes in our society. For a brand like Bulgari, which sees the promotion of talents as one of its guiding values, it is immensely stimulating to listen to their voices and dive into their visionary creativity. It is vital to be tuned to their messages that help us understand reality but also, hopefully, to steer it with all its complexity.” Van Cleef & Arpels is another major player in the regional support of artists and cultural creativity. Established in 2013, the Van Cleef & Arpels Middle East Emergent Designer Prize is presented in partnership with UAE-based organisation Tashkeel. It seeks to nurture emerging talent across the GCC and create global awareness by highlighting the region’s best designs. Later, in 2020 they introduced the Dance Reflections programme, an annual arts festival that supports artists and institutions showcasing modern and contemporary routines, while encouraging new productions and hosting educational programmes. In 2022, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels supported The Arts Center at NYU Abu Dhabi for the presentation of four shows.

Serge Laurent, Van Cleef & Aprels ’ Director of Dance and Culture Program. © Bertrand Moulin.

Celebrating women and Eid Al Fitr, the drawings by Nourie Flayhan for Carolina Herrera are filled with symbols. Image courtesy of Carolina Herrera.

Van Cleef & Arpels Middle East Emergent Designer Prize aims to encourage and support designers to elevate their ideas to reality. © Moufida Mohideen / Tashkeel.

قال سيرج لوران مدير برنامج الرقص والثقافة في فان كليف أند آربلز: “التعليم هو أحد القيم التي نبني عليها أعمالنا. نقدّم الدعم للعديـد مـن المؤسسـات فـي جميـع أنحـاء العالـم لتقديـم العـروض الراقصـة، ونقـدّم أيضـا البرامـج التعليميـة التـي تتيـح للنـاس فهـم االنضباط واستكشافه، حيث يترافق كل عرض دائما باجتماع مع الجمهور، فنحاول دائما إعطاء نصائح أساسـية لتعامل أفضل مع هـذه العـروض المعاصـرة. كمـا نرغـب فـي اقتـراح دورات تدريبيـة باالشـتراك مـع الجهـات الفاعلـة المحليـة علـى صعيـد فـن الرقـص مـن أجـل تشـجيع الحـوار بيـن الفنانين وتحفيـز اإلبداع”. وعلــى نطــاق أضيــق، عمــل الفنانــون المنفــردون مــع العامــات التجاريــة علــى تقديــم ســلع ذات طابــع خــاص، كمــا حــدث مــع الخطّــاط وســام شــوكت المقيــم فــي دبــي، والــذي كلَّفتــه ماركــة العطـور الفاخـرة جـو مالـون بتصميـم قـارورة إلصـدار محـدود مـن . وفـي 2017 قواريـر جـو مالـون لهدايـا رمضـان والعيـد فـي العـام ، قدمـت الرسـامة اللبنانيـة نـوري فليحـان سلسـلة مـن 2021 العـام الرسـومات لاحتفاء بالنسـاء في عيد الفطر مع العامة التجارية األمريكيــة كارولينــا هيريــرا. خاصــة القــول، فمــن شــراكات أشــهر المؤسســات العالميــة إلــى األنشــطة اإلقليميــة والمناطقيــة، التقــت األزيــاء الفاخــرة بالفــن وتواءمـا علـى مـر عقـود عديدة. وفي حين يزداد الترابط العالميّ، ويسـتمر الفـن بلعـب دور أكثـر حيويّــة فـي ربـط المجتمعـات، فـا . شــك أن هــذا التوجــه سيشــهد مزيــدا مــن االزدهــار.

The Red Theatre, NYUAD Arts Center. © NYUAD / Carré.

[L & R] Wissam Shawkat was commissioned by luxury perfume brand Jo Malone to design the packaging for limited edition Jo Malone packaging for Ramadan and Eid gifts [2017]. © Wissam Shawkat. Winner of the 2022 Van Cleef & Arpels Emergent Designer Prize [Edition 9], Moufida Mohideen with the ‘Ascension’ book stand. Image courtesy of VCA.

Corps Extrêmes by Rachid Ouramdane. © Pascale Cholette.

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